Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Before and After Editing,..
Ehem ehem,.. ade gaye org ngandung 36wks/9mnths tak? :P
Beg Organizer,..
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
My Little Family,..
… Last Saturday, went for little family photoshoot at Act.Studio. Redeemed my MilkADeal voucher! Yippey yeay! Yes, it’s our first experience of having studio photoshoot. Overall it was yable and thrilling just because we have to let Liam stay still and giving the best pose to the photographer! heh budak bertuah betul! He only can give best pose when he with his darling papa! Should I say more about this ‘Anak Papa’ !?! Huh,.. hopefully his brother will attach with me pulak! So my plan of BF his brother at least for 2 years be my first priority then!
hahaha ibu jealous! This photoshoot only cost me RM50 instead of RM200 for 1 hour Conceptual Studio Photography + 100 photos in DVD + 1 8R Print. If you want them to edit the photo, need to pay extra charges. So, for me, n dear laling, we can edit it on our own. No harm! Hahaha so suke hati letak frame / carving / text bagai la kan,.. huhuhu
Enuff said. Nak letak gambar yang semangat pi edit td! Tapi still tak puas hati sbb gune Corel je,.. Adobe takde kat lappy nih. Nnt lah edit kat dear laling’s workstation! Layan dulu,..
Friday, September 23, 2011
Restless Friday
Woke up early, sent Liam to Mum's and know what, this little fella really touched my heart! He sang (zikir) subhanallaha-illallah all the way to his granma's in the car. Reminded us to zikir along alhamdulillah,.. Insyaallah soon a good khalifah, amiin. Before send off dear laling, accompanied dear laling settle things at JKR. These several days I felt restless, the baby in tummy been soooooo active, and sometimes I could feel pain. Walking seems hard and Sleepless nite thou'. Still have things to run n supervise. But my mind can't 100% focus on paper works n drawing. Oh, how hard it was. Unproductive I could say! Hopefully after this weekend which is next weekdays I could have courage n inner strength to settle things. Insyaallah. May Allah bless.

My lunch, maggie asam laksa. Waiting for my sis and SIL to bring back my bubble tea. Need it for my tea time. ;)
... Td kene pi Beverly Heights, curtain installer nak buat kerja. Bila dah kluar ofis, nk masuk balik ofis mmg dah tak larat. So balik rumah my mum with tones of work.
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Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekend with Cousins
Mundane Monday

... I'm trying my photo apps and it's 'ossum possum' lah! Hahahaha macam tak de keje je nak buat kan!?! Siap boleh main iPad's apps. Heh, my lappy tgh di'bela' by IT Technician, so amik kesempatan lah main-main apps. Main game mmg bukan minat,.. Entah sbb tak suke bila kalah kot,.. Haih,.. Photo editor apps. lagi bnyk dr my reading apps. Ish3.
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Sunday, September 18, 2011
Going to 35,..
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sausage Roll

... Pagi tadi lepas Subuh, dah start fikir nak buat apa untuk sarapan. Hmmm begini lah rutin harian setiap hujung minggu,... So hari ni buat simple breakfast, sausage roll! Sediakan roti, sausage, scramble egg, telur (utk dicelup), & breadcrumb (utk disalut). Haih mudah benar nak sediakannya, tapi sardine sandwich lg senang:P. Ok, cara-caranya; gulung sausage bersama scramble egg dengan roti, hujung roti dirapatkan, celup dalam telur, kemudian salutkan dengan breadcrumb sebelum digoreng. Hoh, 10 minit dah siap untuk dimakan... Ai suke salut dengan breadcrumb, supaya dia crispy! Kalau takes breadcrumb just pecahkan cornflakes pon boleh,... Selamat mencube!
Ok, nak siap pi Seremban pula, lunch Raya at Pak Long's, Mum's brother. Pastu agak-agak sempat tak sampai KL sebelum jam 5...? Huh,... Ade 1lg rumah nak kene attend,.. Kene lalu hi-way LEKAS la gamaknya,.. ;) hopefully sempat lah ye,..
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Happy Malaysia Day
Well, we start the day with having nasi goreng n ayamas drumet for breakfast this morning, do some washing n cleaning up the kitchen. Then we off to Beverly Heights to see work done by contractor & do some site measurement.

Told u, it's the same design of dry kitchen cabinet! After all they are using the same interior designer too! Me! So??? It's my copyright,... ;)
Ok, peeps Off for now! need to attend my senior's open house then back to my mum's, cousins are coming over & my dad cooks beriyani! Walaaaaah :))
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
Half Relieved
… 34 weeks and I’m 50kg !?! Hoh, gained only 3 kilos since pregnant… Is it good or …??? Alhamdulillah met my gynae just now. First thing she said to me “Kenapa berat tak naik2 ni? Penat jaga Ziyaad ker?” and I just answered “Oh, sy dah tak jaga sangat dia, skrg papa dia amik alih tp sy masih aktif buat site supervision. Keluar masuk ofis.” And she replied “Kene kurang2kan dah lepas ni,.. best nye mengandung macam kina ni, kurus je…” and me was like!?! heh, doc tak marah la,.. Sbb berat baby OK dah 1.9kg so hopefully after 3 weeks (had Liam at 37wks and 2.37kg) he gained more than 2kg. Heart beat and saiz semua OK, Alhamdulillah. No worries,.. Picked green letter (admission letter from doc if emergency) and booked single-bed room. Yeay! Demand lah sikit. Kemudahan untuk family juga. Tau je lah my family ni bising sikit, so tak de lah ganggu katil sebelah bila amik bilik single. Hoh, masih teringat saat melahirkan Liam, my mum beriya buat video gune phone, bila dah selesai tgk blk record rupa nye tak tekan record pon! Ye lah cucu 1st, then same pulak birth-date dengan granma, sure la excited bukan main!
Jom makan Milo McFlurry, heeeeeeeeeee my appetizer for lunch while waiting dear laling, lunch date dengan McD delivery je hari ni at my office! Dah tak tau nk makan ape dah kat sini. Nak pi bungkus nasi kandar malas ar pulak nk drive, kalau ade delivery kan best! huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Better Late Than Never,..
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sambal Goreng Jawa

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Spending Weekend with LOVE

Today, had family brunch at Alexis, Great Eastern Mall with Adam's :) and had design discussion for Beverly Height which is still on renovation.
Below : Progress of Dry Kitchen Cabinet. Ok it's a 'copycat' from my previous project which also at Beverly Heights. It's their request, only finishes for counter top and mosaic wall will differentiate the owner

House renovation always involve changes,... Yeah, it's challenging and need patient, even if your client is your parent :P. Add and amending here and there. After brunch n design session, helped on buying kitchen accessories (sink n tap). Back at Jelatek by 2pm and prepared late lunch for the little family. After Asar, we went Jusco to pick up our Pyrex which we ordered before Raya. Huhuhu for Jusco member card the offer still on until 31st Oct! So hurry up! (We only bought two ;) nak beli lebih nnt lah,.. 2 is more than enuf at the moment)
Oh, yes,.. Just started packing my things for labor but not yet for baby :P heeeeeee sbb tak payah beli barang sgt, tuh yg dok postpone jer,.. I have more or less 3 weeks to go based on my 1st experience (had Liam at 37wks). Hopefully I have enough time to get things in order and ready (works, staff n family)

Last but not least, I had paratha n asam pedas salmon for dinner, oh with Milo ice :))) (tak macam van Milo pon!?!)
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Must Have Session
… every year we must have Eid’s photoshoot session for Adam’s Family,.. tunggu semua ada baru la arrange for photoshoot session! tak semesti on the 1st day raya, ye lah tgk bile masing2 available lah. heeeeeeeeee kat rumah sndr and camera sndr je,.. takde la nk pi studio bagai tuh. So malam td kitorg pon ber’photoshoot’ raya sebelum my brother Hakim depart to London (further study) Wish u all the best! Sempat ke tak next year me n little family kumpul duit nk pi sana pulak. Heh,.. rase cm tipis je peluang klu dia abes 1 year and tak sambung kerja kat sana (gain experience). Tak pe lah, rezki next year kene budget hujung tahun. Nih kene budget dulu tuk baby bulan October! Hoh,berpeluh otak pikir dah ni. Nampaknya ibu terpaksa tunggu dividen next year baru boleh melabur tempat lain .
Jom layan gambar pulak. Oh, little sister tak da! huhuhu tunggu lagi 2 thun plak lah baru cukup chorum! InsyaAllah,.. kalau takde sesape lg among us yg further oversea.