Monday, January 31, 2011

MAY Family Get-to-Gather 2011

... Alhamdulillah,.. it was sooooo much fun being around with MAY Family members! Lots to catch up, and recalled the childhood story of the cousins! Hoh to much to laugh.

Anyway thank you to The Yahya (Facebook Group) who also the MAY Family for able to join the event, and make things great at PNB Ilham Resort, PD. I do hope this event will be continued. It was super needed, kalau tak, nanti jumpe setahun sekali kot mase raye. Itu pon ade yang perlu bergilir dah tak jumpe,.. =) So, at this event also i did celebrate the January babies,.. My Abah, Mak, Shida and Little Liam! Hah, senang jamak kan semua sekali,.. Ouh, menu for dinner prepared by the-famous-beriyani-chef in the family, Abah! woooohu! Luckily, i brought my just-bought-induction cooker untuk tumis and masak nasi beriyani! Kalau tak, makan kambing beriyani tanpa nasi! =P

Checked in late, rainy day unable us to have games on the evening, so we just prepared ourselves and lingering around with the family. After solat maghrib berjamaah, we had the celebration, dinner and Majlis Berkampung. What is Majlis Berkampung? Ok, we had this if one of the family members getting married, and it sort of Family Meeting. The-getting-married-family will update preparation of the family towards the day! So, everyone will take note what's going on and they will aware what they need to do and have towards it!... This session will not end just once, we will have more when needed like confirmation on here n there! The next family member who want to get married will have easier structured agenda as these minutes will be passed to each family! Wooooooh senang nye cousin yang kawen kemudian, semua check list da ready,.. =)

The January Babies
My Little Liam sangat cranky that nite, lepas je amik gambar, terus breastfeed and let him sleep,.. 
 Makanya semua gambar that nite Little Liam sangat tak best,..=(
The Table Deco, Gift and Goodies,.. Thanx to my dear friend Didie from Dear Azalea for helping me with some of the stuffs,..
 My Dad with Beriyani.
 Majlis Berkampung. My brother-who-are-getting-married in the middle with green shirt.
Family members khusyuk mendengar taklimat...


Wan Anis Sorfina said...

encik adam masak smbil dgr lagu (radio gabak besarrrr)kah? haha, gurau je..
adik ko dh nak kawen eh?owh kita smua dh smakin tua rupenye.. aku slalu ingt adik2 ko skolah lagi.. shida pun dh besar..

Unknown said...

hahaha tuh la besar masak bawah radio gabak! insyaallah akim kawen bulan 3 nih =) heeeeeeee tuh la shida pon da masuk 2nd year degree,.. kite je yang tak tua2 =)