Ziyaad Ilhaam exclusively been breastfeed for 5 months 2 weeks,.. When he was 4 months i was transferred to site as Resident Architect (specially in Interior Design / Refurbishment works),.. Can u imagine the site condition and environment for me to still having session or i called it Mothercare at site??? The time i had during the days,.. ?? Site inspection which can be at anytime, discussion and solving matters on site which sometime takes few hours, site meeting and the list goes on! The most important thing is where to Mothercare??? Some suggest me to have it at Surau... but i refused to! Not because i demanded for place so much, the thing is there's only 1 surau for male/female... i need to use for mothercare for at least 30 minutes, how about others who want to perform solat? haih,.. and i decided to have it in my office! Lucky me only 2 of us in the office, R.A (me) and R.E (Resident Engineer, En. Azam .. married already!!) so at anytime i can do my daily mothercare!

Bawah meja! Ye di sini lah Mothercare berlangsung,..
Lucky me i used manual pump, so during the session, SILENT! hahaha nobody notice what am i doing under the table,.. but i guess they have been educated by their wife, so it's not something weird for them! Anyways, i still can provide EBM for my dear son, Ziyaad Ilhaam, haritu my mum da nak suruh bagi FM, but i insist not to give! Because i know i can give the best for him,.. Thank you Allah for giving me the opportunity to give him the BEST,.. Ouh, last time before being site resident, my Mothercare was 3 times,.. but now only 1 time but still can get the total for 3 feeding! Usually at 4pm/5pm,.. I dont have any EBM stock left, what i produced is for the next day,... Alhamdulillah