Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jab for Hepatitis A @ 21 months,..

... Sekejap je my little Khalifah dah 21 months! Today he got his hepatitis A's jab at Dr. Kishore Clinic, KPJ Tawakal. Now, he already knows the feeling of being scared n knows what will happen when seeing doc. Hoh, belum apa2 dah nangis. Papa kene peluk Liam bila doc. nak bg injection. Nangis! Tp sekejap je, kluar bilik doc. dah OK. Hopefully tak liam tak demam, usually pon tak demam. Tp doc. kata injection ni sakit sikit, even ai yg amik jab hep.B masa pregnant 7 & 8 mnths pon terasa sakit, inikan budak kecik. So doc. bg paracetamol for him in case he got fever later. Yup, kitorg takde stok paracetamol sbb Liam dah setahun kot tak demam, alhamdulillah,.. Sihat anak ibu n papa ni :))

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