Monday, October 31, 2011

You are 3 weeks now,..

Been fed for every two hours, once so tiny and fragile now dah berisi,.. ;) yes, dah nampak berisi kat kaki & tangan, oh muka pon dah bulat! Bila dah bulat, baru lah nampak macam abg Liam mase kecik, tp tang hidung lain sket. How was my nite? Seperti biasa la kan, every 2 hours need to be fed. I fed him while I'm sleeping :P *ibu malas sungguh bangun bila dah tido!* just mengiring n feed him,.. Sambil tuh ibu blh tido, bile dia nangis baru buka mata tgk... :P macam dah pro bila anak dah 2 ;) Ziyaad 'Ilmaan pon sgt baik, blom ade symptom colic stakat ni, alhamdulillah. Mudah2an berterusan lah,.. Senang ibu! Ziyaad Ilhaam pulak, pantang adik dia tggl sorang dlm bilik! Dia akan berlari menuju bilik, n naik atas katil. Pastu kiss, tekan kepala adik, tarik tangan and sometimes dia himpap adik dia. So mmg tak blh tggl adik sorang2 kat bilik. Bila tido pon tak sekali, ibu n adik atas katil, papa n Liam tido kat tilam bawah. Kadang2 Liam terjaga awal pagi, dia nak naik atas katil tgk adik 'Ilmaan. He knows his brother always with me, if he saw me without adik, he will find/check his adik in the room :P

... And me, it's already 3 weeks staying at home :P No it's not fun tho'. Knowing me who likes to mingle around and not a person who likes to stay at home for weeks, sometimes I felt like my brain is not well-function :P *mesti lepas ni masuk ofis otak lambat productive,erkss...* close case here.

I try to upload Liam's video. He sang insyaAllah at the end of the video. Anyone knows how using iPad? I also failed uploading it in YouTube. Heh,..failure!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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