(Kissed You) Good Night - Tiffany Alvord and Chester See (Official Cover Music Video)
P/s: Memang suka sangat dengar Cover Music, which i found it way better than the original vers. They are so talented (and also handsome! gagaga :P) Video music ni dah masuk in my playlist seminggu, and i keep on repeating like 1000 times.. eh? exaggerated tak??? hahaha enjoy korang..
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
This morning, on my way for financial training, my car broke-down. The more i press the pedal theres a loud sound of 'krek-krek-krek' from the engine. And to be exact, I was on hi-way! *apa yg teruk sangat klu kat hi-way??? Aaaaaa stress hokkay berenti kat tepi jalan pastu all the cars passed by mcm speedometer! Berdesup sekor sekor lalu. Kereta ai plak bukan kereta mahal, every time depa lalu rasa bergoyang kereta ai,.. Huwaaaaaaaa T.T* So, the first thing I did, called DL. Informed n asked him to come over. Second, called workshop to arrange tow truck. Third, wait them. Yeah, alhamdulillah I'm so lucky dad own a workshop. If not, was soooooo lost in arranging tow truck.

Now, I'm already in my class,.. DL sent. Hopefully I got an exception after lunch break. *tak dak kereta nak balik ghumah uols minta DL tunggu sat*
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Now, I'm already in my class,.. DL sent. Hopefully I got an exception after lunch break. *tak dak kereta nak balik ghumah uols minta DL tunggu sat*
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Weekend Break-a-way, Morib
Sapa rajin buka Groupon? Sila angkat kaki!!! hahahaha maka aku la orang yang akan angkat kaki! :P Rajin ja dok buka website depa sebab most of the deal really worth-every-penny! So last 2 months, which was before fasting month, i bought Getaway deal : 2D1N stay at GOLD COAST MORIB yang best skali dah include dinner & breakfast, pastu entrance to water theme park and also ATV ride for 2 person! hah hamek kau! mana la ai tak beli deal yang best ginih. Harga pon hanya RM198 *kalau tak salah* mula ingat nak pi lepas raya, means on Sept, but keep postponing until we decide to go there last week. Seperti biasa, DL akan ragu tempat yang tak pernah pi and harga yang murah-biar-betul, tapi aku ada terbaca blogpost my senior yang juga beli deal yang sama. She reviewed, NICE & OK! Bagi aku bila dah pi, not bad bagi harga yang aku bayar. Hihihi aku rasa this place is an alternative for PD. Yelah, slalu dok pi bercuti PD pon bosan juga *percutian pendek & dekat* So, boleh la pi Morib pula,.. Jalan nak pi ke Morib pon tak la se'busy' PLUS. Kitorang guna MEX ;) And along the way kat Morib tuh, masih lagi suasana kampung.
Ok. Tak larat nak cerita. Layan je gambar yang ada ni! :)
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Water Theme Park Morib |
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Water Theme Park Morib |
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Water Theme Park Morib |
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Papa tolong jaga anak-anak, sementara ibu pegang/jaga barang2. Hihihi sempat la layan internet :P |
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Now, turn ibu pula jaga anak2. |
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Dinner dah include dalam promo groupon! Memang terbayeeek! sebab tak payah pikir nak dinner apa kan,.. hihihi |
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Breakfast. Anak dah tak lalu makan sebab dah tak sabar nak ber'water-theme-park' :P |
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Welcoming-reception-lobby |
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The lobby and waiting area |
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My LOVE :) |
**oh ok ni tambahan blogpost : gambar baru teringat tak upload gambar bilik 'Studio Suite' dia! tapi,.. hihihi ade 2-3 je,..
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DL & Liam riding on ATV! *Mula-mula Liam takut, pastu enjoy! |
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Me? hah, verangan je,.. Asal ade gambar sudah! Yang penting depa happy! :)) |
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
My New Skin Care, Dermalogica.
I started using skincare when i was 16yo and it was Neutrogena! After being loyal for about 10years, I turned to Bodyshop not because Neutrogena did harm to my skin, its just i need a change :P. *ngade tak? ye lah dah ade duit sendiri kan, boleh la beli ikut suka hati* One day, thought of Regime aka Aster Spring, and on that particular day i just need a good facial treatment after a year its been abundant.. Hehehe so there i went! I had dry skin in several zone, the specialist advice me accordingly. Signed up their package of facial treatment *perkara ini adalah biasa bagi beauty consultant untuk promosi kan barang depa* and i end-up to give a good try on their product after the facial session. I had 3 items which i applied daily.
After a month, i felt the different. No more dry skin Alhamdulillah *kalau dulu macam tompok air-liur-basi k, still appear even after applied moisteriser! Seryes, malu if ade meeting ka apa* So the next product i purchased this month, their cleanser.
My advice is, if u need to change your skincare, do not buy all of them, give it a try first. Give time to see the result. Once u satisfied, only then you buy the rest. Therefore, you will never regret on the money u spend. Yes, dermalogica is quite expensive, but my skin react perfectly healthier than before, so why not!?!
**lain orang lain penerimaan kulit. Maka, sila dapatkan consultation & get the trial kit ;)
After a month, i felt the different. No more dry skin Alhamdulillah *kalau dulu macam tompok air-liur-basi k, still appear even after applied moisteriser! Seryes, malu if ade meeting ka apa* So the next product i purchased this month, their cleanser.
My advice is, if u need to change your skincare, do not buy all of them, give it a try first. Give time to see the result. Once u satisfied, only then you buy the rest. Therefore, you will never regret on the money u spend. Yes, dermalogica is quite expensive, but my skin react perfectly healthier than before, so why not!?!
**lain orang lain penerimaan kulit. Maka, sila dapatkan consultation & get the trial kit ;)
Monday, October 15, 2012
of #thepoplook from my wardrobe + Instagram .
Sebab tak dapat post pasai weekend treat kat GC Morib, *belum upload gambar dari camera gabak itu* ai browse ja my Instagram and terpikir of this compilation which ade je yang ai tak upload sini. hihihi banyak hokkey baju dari poplook T.T memang kaya la poplook if suma orang macam ai. Dok beli ja every update. But lately ai dah kurang membeli dari depa. Bosan dah kot!?! Hahaha kita tengok selama mana bertahan! kikiki :P
Monday, October 8, 2012
Bobot is ONE yo!
Today. Bobot officially is ONE year old. I don't have any precious thing to give him, because he is toooo precious than I ever can give. The sweetest boy ;). Alhamdulillah boy, Allah gave u a good health, and am such a blissful mom, managed to fully breastfeed you for a year. Yesterday, we throwed an early celebration for you. Not an expensive one, enough for us to serve our friends the homecook food. *tak dak hire party deco bagai, the tags and gift was all done by moi, simple one of course!* Alhamdulillah thank you Allah, for the wealth given, good for us to raise our kids, insyaAllah the best khalifah u'll be. May Allah bless us continuously, amiin. InsyaAllah.
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The Ziyaads & Grenma |
Pak Usop, Grenma & Atuk |
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Us with DL's Mom |
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Us! |
My 'Jingga-Red-Velvet Cake' for Bobot! |
Sweet Treats for Kiddos and my limited TIRA-MISS-U. **serious lupa nk habaq depa kene makan sejuk, klu tak cair leper the cheese,.. hihihi should tag on the box T.T |
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The Birthday Boy, Bobot. Ziyaad 'Ilmaan is ONE yo! |
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Cake & photo session! #1 |
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Cake & photo session! #2 |
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Closing Guest of the day, my HBP USM colleague. Thanx korang! memang made my day! Kalau korang tak datang memang nak merajuk! kikiki |
Thank you friend. No word can replace my gratitude to all of u. More years to count our friendship.
We may not closed to each other but we do pray good for all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Budak tekun buat collage...
One of the activity held in romper class Kizsport & Gym for toddler 2yrs. It was super fun having them to play while crafting which enhance their skills. Teacher said, Ilhaam is very particular person as in he do his craft step by step. *bersungguh ok dok tekan itu glue! ;)* I'm a proud mom, Liam,..
In other note, its good to enroll this class for him and i can spend quality time with him during the class. If nak harap after work memang idak le daku layankan, banyak je kerja kat rumah nak diuruskan. Penat bekerja mau rehat perlu diutamakan juga. Budak-budak pon dok asyik je main kat playroom depa. Ibu pula layankan mini office. Masing-masing buat hal sendiri. Si bobot pon pandai bawa diri. Bila dah bosan, abang tak kasi main baru lah dok merengek soh amik dia. Aku rase bagi ibu yang malas cam aku ni kot tak berapa nk beraktiviti dengan anak, orang lain OK ja,.. hahaha jangan tiru perangai ibu gini. :P
Monday, September 24, 2012
Perlukah Playroom di rumah?
What do you think of the need of playroom? Bagi aku yang ada anak lebih dari satu dan kedua-duanya lelaki, pastinya jawapan aku PERLU. Tak perlu nak dedicate 1 bilik playroom semata. Yelah rumah aku ada 3 bilik je, bukan 4 bilik. Yang mana 2 of it fully occupied *bilik kami anak beranak 1 bilik, adik ipar 1 bilik* maka hanya tinggal 1 bilik yang pastinya akan jadi multipurpose room yang mana kegunaannya termasuk la playroom anak-anak. Multipurpose room ni masih lagi dalam proses upgrading *refurbishment gamaknya. Nanti dah comei lote baru update gambar* Bilik ni juga akan menjadi guest room / prayer room / study room / ironing room. Pergh banyak sangat fungsi bilik ni, memang sesuai la nk jadi multipurpose room. Rumah apartment jer pon, so kene fully utilize all the rooms we had. Nak cari rumah double story mungkin tak, kitorang dah selesa dengan rumah yang dah ada ni, location pon sangat la best. Tak nak tambah hutang juga. *hidup penuh dengan hutang buat aku pening pikir bulan-bulan* Berharap tahun depan tanggungan akan berkurangan supaya aku dapat buat investment & saving. Ya Allah, permudahkan lah,...
The Multipurpose Room cum The Ziyaad's Playroom *before we add the BIG CITY GARAGE* |
Snogurt the frozen yogurt
Sekarang memang musim frozen yogurt. Sana sini franchise frozen yogurt dok buka. Yang penting kene business & survive in long term. Persoalannya di sini, mampukah mereka? Ye lah, macam musim donut dulu, tetiba in trend Big Apple, Krispy Kreme etc. sampai mati Dunkin Donut. Kesian, padahal depa la taiko business donut kat Malaysia ni,.. Okeh, okeh dah tersasar,.. jom cerita pasal snogurt pula,.. ni pon sealiran dengan Tutti Frutti & Moo Cow. Tapi versi yang cheaper and it's Malaysian product! Ya,... sokong barangan Malaysia uols! Business approach pon sama ja macam TF. *Termasuklah dekorasi kedai menggunakan pendekatan konsep yang sama* Oh, ya sebelum terlupa, Snogurt ni menggunakan pelakon Raja Farah sebagai duta product yang juga buka franchise di Kajang.
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Tagline depa |
Mine! I totally love the plain yogurt here! 100g = RM4.90. Murah. Kalu TF, 100g = 5++ *Psst gambar kedai tak amik sbb ce' segan, makan sorang, klu ade Liam boleh la dia jd model ;) |
So sekarang korang ada choice nak bagi anak hampa makan froyo which is healthier than ice cream. Jom amalkan pemakanan yang sihat. Kesihatan itu amat berharga! *nak beli selalu pon boleh, sebab tak cekik darah! seryes,.. cubalah,..
Friday, September 21, 2012
Bread Pudding with Chocolate Chip
Now, would like to share the easy peasy recipe of bread pudding! I think i did post it once, but try this! Slightly different as i amended with what ever i have. Please take note, if you want to 'derhaka' recipe like me, you must know the rule of thumb in making pudding; 5 eggs : 1 litre liquid. What if 3 eggs? Yes, u need 600ml liquid. Liquid can be mixture of milk with water or etc.
So, the ingredients:-
4 eggs
300ml fresh milk
400ml evaporated milk
100ml sweetened milk
1 tspn vanilla essence
10 pcs white bread (cut into small pcs)
Chocolate chips
1. Beat eggs in medium bowl
2. Add in all liquid and whisk until well mix.
3. Pour half of batter in to baking pan *i used my square pyrex* then arrange half of the bread into it. Sprinkle chocolate chip on it.
4. Pour the rest of batter, bread and sprinkle chocolate chip on top.
**kenapa perlu separuh-separuh? Sebab nak pastikan roti tu terendam dalam bancuhan telur & susu tu. Jika perlu, press lightly supaya roti serap liquid.
Bake it for 30mins w 180deg
So, the ingredients:-
4 eggs
300ml fresh milk
400ml evaporated milk
100ml sweetened milk
1 tspn vanilla essence
10 pcs white bread (cut into small pcs)
Chocolate chips
1. Beat eggs in medium bowl
2. Add in all liquid and whisk until well mix.
3. Pour half of batter in to baking pan *i used my square pyrex* then arrange half of the bread into it. Sprinkle chocolate chip on it.
4. Pour the rest of batter, bread and sprinkle chocolate chip on top.
**kenapa perlu separuh-separuh? Sebab nak pastikan roti tu terendam dalam bancuhan telur & susu tu. Jika perlu, press lightly supaya roti serap liquid.
Bake it for 30mins w 180deg
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#sebelum |
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#selepas |
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