Monday, October 31, 2011
Liam Loves to Sing,..
... Suka nyanyi ni ikut sape erks ?? Heeeee ;) joget pon pandai gak, tang bontot n bahu yang tak menahan! :P...
Pssssst,.. Kesabaran membawa kejayaan! Ye, dah berjaya upload kat YouTube. Kene buat mode HD :)
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You are 3 weeks now,..

Been fed for every two hours, once so tiny and fragile now dah berisi,.. ;) yes, dah nampak berisi kat kaki & tangan, oh muka pon dah bulat! Bila dah bulat, baru lah nampak macam abg Liam mase kecik, tp tang hidung lain sket. How was my nite? Seperti biasa la kan, every 2 hours need to be fed. I fed him while I'm sleeping :P *ibu malas sungguh bangun bila dah tido!* just mengiring n feed him,.. Sambil tuh ibu blh tido, bile dia nangis baru buka mata tgk... :P macam dah pro bila anak dah 2 ;) Ziyaad 'Ilmaan pon sgt baik, blom ade symptom colic stakat ni, alhamdulillah. Mudah2an berterusan lah,.. Senang ibu! Ziyaad Ilhaam pulak, pantang adik dia tggl sorang dlm bilik! Dia akan berlari menuju bilik, n naik atas katil. Pastu kiss, tekan kepala adik, tarik tangan and sometimes dia himpap adik dia. So mmg tak blh tggl adik sorang2 kat bilik. Bila tido pon tak sekali, ibu n adik atas katil, papa n Liam tido kat tilam bawah. Kadang2 Liam terjaga awal pagi, dia nak naik atas katil tgk adik 'Ilmaan. He knows his brother always with me, if he saw me without adik, he will find/check his adik in the room :P
... And me, it's already 3 weeks staying at home :P No it's not fun tho'. Knowing me who likes to mingle around and not a person who likes to stay at home for weeks, sometimes I felt like my brain is not well-function :P *mesti lepas ni masuk ofis otak lambat productive,erkss...* close case here.
I try to upload Liam's video. He sang insyaAllah at the end of the video. Anyone knows how using iPad? I also failed uploading it in YouTube. Heh,..failure!
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Purchase and Support,..
Currently Gin&Jacqie, show their support to BCWA! Breast Cancer Awareness Month, They are doing sales for pink items started from 10th Oct till End of the month!
Yes, I also show my support to BCWA with buying G&A pink item! They do sales for pink item. *kan kempen breast cancer tuh gune ribbon pink* Hahaha I've been eyeing the DOUBLE-UP ABBI which is an organizer which can also stores iPad, from the day they launched it! *hopes that 1 day it become sales item* and for BCWA they did! Not taking so much tot on it, I bought with some other things which cost me *teeeet* heeeee oh, for other item which not in pink I used my birthday voucher and still I found it worth to buy,.. It's practical! And like before, I got complimentary beg BCWA! Which I found it soooo cute, Love & Faith *weeeee.. soooka lah shopping dgn G&A.

Pssst klu tak sale, harga dia RM79.90, for BCWA it's only RM63.92. Senang bile gune bag organizer ni sbb sume brg tersimpan kemas, and yang penting dear laling senang nak cari barang! Before this dia dok bising, susah nak cari barang inside my bag, siap buat ayat "lagi besar beg, lagi bnyk barang dok simpan, lagi susah nak cari!" hah, amik kau! Sekarang? Tak lagi,.. :) ai dah susun elok,... And the iPad pon ade compartment sndr,.. Bila tukar beg angkat beg organizer je, Tak yah risau tertinggal iPad kalau tukar beg,.. Oh, and also other important items :P
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Yes, I also show my support to BCWA with buying G&A pink item! They do sales for pink item. *kan kempen breast cancer tuh gune ribbon pink* Hahaha I've been eyeing the DOUBLE-UP ABBI which is an organizer which can also stores iPad, from the day they launched it! *hopes that 1 day it become sales item* and for BCWA they did! Not taking so much tot on it, I bought with some other things which cost me *teeeet* heeeee oh, for other item which not in pink I used my birthday voucher and still I found it worth to buy,.. It's practical! And like before, I got complimentary beg BCWA! Which I found it soooo cute, Love & Faith *weeeee.. soooka lah shopping dgn G&A.

Pssst klu tak sale, harga dia RM79.90, for BCWA it's only RM63.92. Senang bile gune bag organizer ni sbb sume brg tersimpan kemas, and yang penting dear laling senang nak cari barang! Before this dia dok bising, susah nak cari barang inside my bag, siap buat ayat "lagi besar beg, lagi bnyk barang dok simpan, lagi susah nak cari!" hah, amik kau! Sekarang? Tak lagi,.. :) ai dah susun elok,... And the iPad pon ade compartment sndr,.. Bila tukar beg angkat beg organizer je, Tak yah risau tertinggal iPad kalau tukar beg,.. Oh, and also other important items :P
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Ibu can't have iPad ...
When the nite comes,..

I have to give a way the iPad to them before they went to bed,.. But last nite papa play his game all alone as he gave Liam a 'good' drink so that Liam will not disturb him. Good one, huh!?! *ibu pon terpaksa twitter by iPhone jer lah everynite* oh, that's also y I seldom tweet at nite :P
Oh, yes,... I'm on twitter nowadays,.. FB in deactivate mode. Tak de ape nk update, klu twitter I can straightly throw my thoughts. Ermmsss... I think many of us prefer to use twitter than fb. *senang nk membebel bagai* ;))
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I have to give a way the iPad to them before they went to bed,.. But last nite papa play his game all alone as he gave Liam a 'good' drink so that Liam will not disturb him. Good one, huh!?! *ibu pon terpaksa twitter by iPhone jer lah everynite* oh, that's also y I seldom tweet at nite :P
Oh, yes,... I'm on twitter nowadays,.. FB in deactivate mode. Tak de ape nk update, klu twitter I can straightly throw my thoughts. Ermmsss... I think many of us prefer to use twitter than fb. *senang nk membebel bagai* ;))
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Monday, October 24, 2011
2 weeks,..

Mum rocks! Yes, I'm always rock! Peace yo! ;)
Haih,.. It's only 2 weeks, and I felt like forever,.. Seriously am getting bored doing nothing at home, besides taking care of my Ziyaads,.. *Rase mcm otak dah beku* So today, I asked my dear laling to take my works at office, my head keep on thinking on the account lately,.. Ok off that, wait till the works come. Thank you.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
After a week,..

My Ziyaad 'Ilmaan @ 1 week,... After 9 months off, now I'm so happy to be back on breastfeeding my son again!
Senang sangat jaga si'tonet ni,.. Malam2 berjaga untuk BF, kalau dia tak nk tidur, buka mata pon, tak nangis2,.. Bila nak tidur, BF semula. Si'tonet ni memang kuat menyusu. Kalau lambat BF mesti dia jerit (nangis)... Dah dapat BF senyap lah,.. Tidur semula,.. Mudah2an senang sampai besar ye,.. Abang Liam awak minta perhatian lebih, penat nak layan! Bila tak layan adik la jadi mangsa,.. Haih,..
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Thursday, October 13, 2011
My Morning Breeze
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Ziyaad & Ziyaad

On Monday, husband took leave to register our 2nd Ziyaad... Ziyaad 'Ilmaan bin Mohd Salihim. I've been keeping the name since 7 months of my pregnancy. Told dear laling, he asked me to consider other name, yet I had none! In my mind only have this 'Ilmaan = berilmu. Every name there must be a story behind it. Yes, so did I. :)) same goes to Ziyaad Ilhaam!
Ziyaad Ilhaam = kekuatan wahyu/ilham/inspirasi
Ziyaad 'Ilmaan = kekuatan berilmu
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Welcoming Our 2nd Ziyaad!
Alhamdulillah, on 8th October, 2011, I safely delivered a healthy baby boy, 2.34kg at 4.19pm, KPJ Tawakal Kuala Lumpur. Baru ingat blh sama birthday dgn ai, 18th Oct, giving birth on 37weeks was soooooo my destiny. Liam was also at 37 wks, and our 2nd Ziyaad a little bit overdue, 37wks + 4 days,..

It was supposed my monthly check-up, but when the gynae scanned the baby, he was already at the lower part. Checked the vaginal, it's 4cm dilated! Hoh, ini memang sama mcm kes Liam, dalam hati dah dpt agak kene tahan masuk labour room. Yes, betul! Doctor tny, nk amik epidural tak? Of course la amik! Mase yg check bukaan pon dah tak tahan, itu blm lg contraction dan lain2,.. Nurse hantar kat admission counter, tanya me nak guna wheelchair ke tak, tapi ai kata tak payah, sbb tak sakit pon lagi,.. Masih boleh berjalan. Dah habis urusan kat admission counter, nurse hantar kat labour room. Oh, kali ni ai merasa la labour room baru! Mmg selesa. Mungkin sbb masih baru. Mcm dok hotel :P. Oh, mase ni dear laling pi hantar liam rumah grenma, n amik brg2 dia utk stay kat hospital, brg dia tak ready pon,..:P Dalam jam 1 bru settle dengan segala tiub masuk air, induce and epidural. Kene cucuk utk matangkan paru2 bby jugak, sbb baru 37 wks kan,.. Jam 2.30 gynae check skali lg bukaan, baru 6cm, so estimate lg 4hrs utk full dilate, lbh krg jam 6ptg kot,.. Bila dah amik epidural, tak leh mkn, minum je,.. Dear laling belikan air soya n bw skali air zamzam, Tp ai curi2 mkn kurma, lapar okeh! Ye lah nnt takde tenaga utk push pulak,.. Jam 4, nurse dtg check bukaan, pastu dia kata ni dah blh push dah ni, dia srh ai push smpi nmpk kepala bby, bila kepala bby dah kt bwh bru blh panggil doctor. Sbb bby kecik, bby cepat turun. So ai pon push, pastu bila dah kt bwh, nurse call doctor. Amik mase 10mins jugak doctor nk sampai, sbb doctor dah dlm kain sembahyang (igt sempat solat asar dulu :P) nurse suruh tahan dulu jgn teran, tunggu doctor. Doctor sampai je mmg ai get ready je nk push bila doctor bg que! Hoh, kali ni mmg senang, alhamdulillah ai blh kire brape kali ai push. 1 kali! Kudos!!! Dah dpt teknik yg betul dr 1st experience,... ;) air mata ai mencurah2 kluar bila doctor letak bby atas ai,..

Syukur alhamdulillah mudah sgt melahirkan kali ni and mase doctor jahit pon ai dah blh tahan sikit, oh mungkin sbb luka tak dalam macam yg kali pertama dulu. Doctor pon cakap, yg kedua mmg doctor dah tak gunting buat bukaan, so tu luka sendiri, jahit pon kat kulit luar,.. But still bila yg dah hujung2 tuh ai tny jugak doctor lambat lg ke nk habis,.. Sbb ai dah start rase sakit,.. :P sambil tahan rase sakit, ai tgk nurse sebelah uruskan bby,.. Huwaaaaaa syahdu sgt! Habis je jahit, dear laling plak rase nk pitam! Hahaha,.. So dia pon kluar,.. Kekeke ai plak minta nurse nk trus breastfeed bby,.. Yes, sila breastfeed trus bby anda! It helps generate milk,.. Mase ni my bby blom dibersihkan sepenuhnya lg, but ai semangat juga,.. Heee :)) kol 5.30 ptg, my parents pon sampai,.. Jam 7 baru ai dihantar masuk bilik.

Ai duduk bilik single room, amik standard room je, bukan VIP, but puas hati selesa! Husband blh overnite temankan ai, then boleh minta baby for room-in,.. Senang nk BF,.. Then kalau family dtg melawat ramai2 pon tak ganggu org,.. Overall mmg puas hati dok KPJ Tawakal Hospital yg baru ni,.. Heeeee papa, sila simpan duit lagi, syg nak bersalin kat sini lagi dgn gynae yg sama,.. Thank you Dr. Siti Zaleha,.. Dah 2 Ziyaad dah ,.. :))
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It was supposed my monthly check-up, but when the gynae scanned the baby, he was already at the lower part. Checked the vaginal, it's 4cm dilated! Hoh, ini memang sama mcm kes Liam, dalam hati dah dpt agak kene tahan masuk labour room. Yes, betul! Doctor tny, nk amik epidural tak? Of course la amik! Mase yg check bukaan pon dah tak tahan, itu blm lg contraction dan lain2,.. Nurse hantar kat admission counter, tanya me nak guna wheelchair ke tak, tapi ai kata tak payah, sbb tak sakit pon lagi,.. Masih boleh berjalan. Dah habis urusan kat admission counter, nurse hantar kat labour room. Oh, kali ni ai merasa la labour room baru! Mmg selesa. Mungkin sbb masih baru. Mcm dok hotel :P. Oh, mase ni dear laling pi hantar liam rumah grenma, n amik brg2 dia utk stay kat hospital, brg dia tak ready pon,..:P Dalam jam 1 bru settle dengan segala tiub masuk air, induce and epidural. Kene cucuk utk matangkan paru2 bby jugak, sbb baru 37 wks kan,.. Jam 2.30 gynae check skali lg bukaan, baru 6cm, so estimate lg 4hrs utk full dilate, lbh krg jam 6ptg kot,.. Bila dah amik epidural, tak leh mkn, minum je,.. Dear laling belikan air soya n bw skali air zamzam, Tp ai curi2 mkn kurma, lapar okeh! Ye lah nnt takde tenaga utk push pulak,.. Jam 4, nurse dtg check bukaan, pastu dia kata ni dah blh push dah ni, dia srh ai push smpi nmpk kepala bby, bila kepala bby dah kt bwh bru blh panggil doctor. Sbb bby kecik, bby cepat turun. So ai pon push, pastu bila dah kt bwh, nurse call doctor. Amik mase 10mins jugak doctor nk sampai, sbb doctor dah dlm kain sembahyang (igt sempat solat asar dulu :P) nurse suruh tahan dulu jgn teran, tunggu doctor. Doctor sampai je mmg ai get ready je nk push bila doctor bg que! Hoh, kali ni mmg senang, alhamdulillah ai blh kire brape kali ai push. 1 kali! Kudos!!! Dah dpt teknik yg betul dr 1st experience,... ;) air mata ai mencurah2 kluar bila doctor letak bby atas ai,..

Syukur alhamdulillah mudah sgt melahirkan kali ni and mase doctor jahit pon ai dah blh tahan sikit, oh mungkin sbb luka tak dalam macam yg kali pertama dulu. Doctor pon cakap, yg kedua mmg doctor dah tak gunting buat bukaan, so tu luka sendiri, jahit pon kat kulit luar,.. But still bila yg dah hujung2 tuh ai tny jugak doctor lambat lg ke nk habis,.. Sbb ai dah start rase sakit,.. :P sambil tahan rase sakit, ai tgk nurse sebelah uruskan bby,.. Huwaaaaaa syahdu sgt! Habis je jahit, dear laling plak rase nk pitam! Hahaha,.. So dia pon kluar,.. Kekeke ai plak minta nurse nk trus breastfeed bby,.. Yes, sila breastfeed trus bby anda! It helps generate milk,.. Mase ni my bby blom dibersihkan sepenuhnya lg, but ai semangat juga,.. Heee :)) kol 5.30 ptg, my parents pon sampai,.. Jam 7 baru ai dihantar masuk bilik.

Ai duduk bilik single room, amik standard room je, bukan VIP, but puas hati selesa! Husband blh overnite temankan ai, then boleh minta baby for room-in,.. Senang nk BF,.. Then kalau family dtg melawat ramai2 pon tak ganggu org,.. Overall mmg puas hati dok KPJ Tawakal Hospital yg baru ni,.. Heeeee papa, sila simpan duit lagi, syg nak bersalin kat sini lagi dgn gynae yg sama,.. Thank you Dr. Siti Zaleha,.. Dah 2 Ziyaad dah ,.. :))
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
ChaTime at The Gardens
Yesterday, met the In-Laws at Kompleks Tabung Haji, Kelana Jaya who departed for pilgrim early this morning, later we went to Midvalley to meet dear laling's sister. We had dinner together, the last time we met was 1 year ago kot! Masing2 dok jauh, and bila balik kg, slalu tak dapat waktu yg sama. So semalam ada kesempatan, we make a point to meet them! We had teppanyaki. Alhamdulillah, thank you De, for the treat! Nanti datang singgah Jelatek ye kalau turun KL lagi,..

On the way back, teringat pula si Emi punya bubble tea from Chatime! So sambil2 jalan kat LG menuju ke parking, mata dok melilau cari Chatime, ade rezki boleh la beli. Alhamdulillah, jumpe pon! Tengok orang beratur nak order pon panjang, yang tunggu pon takde la ramai, so gagah jugak la me pi beratur. Nak suruh dear laling beratur bukan dia! Sebab dia tak minum pon bende alah tu, so orang yang nk minum la kene beratur. I ordered hazelnut choc w/ pearl! Hmmm betul sedap if compare dengan bubble tea from Each A Cup / Bon Bon Cup. Pearl dia kecik and banyak! Tapi ai tak de la sampai addicted or nak minum slalu,.. :P Lain kali datang sini blh beli lg! Heh, datang Midvalley pon blh kire setahun 2 kali kot! At least,.. Hahaha dear laling tak suka nak pi tempat2 macam ni, nak bila ada anak kecik yang dok suka berlari ke sana sini, heh,.. Penat jaga budak, barang tak terbeli, pasni ade 2 hero lagi lah,.. Shopping dekat2 rumah je la kite,.. KLCC la pon paling dekat, hmmm Pavillion pon blh consider lagi,..

Nah, gambar my Liam semalam,.. Haih, budak ni semakin comot lah,.. Ape yang kite tak kasi buat dia sonok nk buat siap saja show-off kat kite! Malam tadi pulak dia sibuk nak main tak mau tdo,.. Dear laling sampai stress tak leh tidur, sure la dia dok kacau papa kesayangan kan,.. Me dia tak kacau pon,.. Mungkin dia tau malam td me dok melayan false contraction,.. Ai layan je sampai tertido, kalu tertido tuh maksudnya Ok lah,.. Dah nak time dah kot!?!
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On the way back, teringat pula si Emi punya bubble tea from Chatime! So sambil2 jalan kat LG menuju ke parking, mata dok melilau cari Chatime, ade rezki boleh la beli. Alhamdulillah, jumpe pon! Tengok orang beratur nak order pon panjang, yang tunggu pon takde la ramai, so gagah jugak la me pi beratur. Nak suruh dear laling beratur bukan dia! Sebab dia tak minum pon bende alah tu, so orang yang nk minum la kene beratur. I ordered hazelnut choc w/ pearl! Hmmm betul sedap if compare dengan bubble tea from Each A Cup / Bon Bon Cup. Pearl dia kecik and banyak! Tapi ai tak de la sampai addicted or nak minum slalu,.. :P Lain kali datang sini blh beli lg! Heh, datang Midvalley pon blh kire setahun 2 kali kot! At least,.. Hahaha dear laling tak suka nak pi tempat2 macam ni, nak bila ada anak kecik yang dok suka berlari ke sana sini, heh,.. Penat jaga budak, barang tak terbeli, pasni ade 2 hero lagi lah,.. Shopping dekat2 rumah je la kite,.. KLCC la pon paling dekat, hmmm Pavillion pon blh consider lagi,..

Nah, gambar my Liam semalam,.. Haih, budak ni semakin comot lah,.. Ape yang kite tak kasi buat dia sonok nk buat siap saja show-off kat kite! Malam tadi pulak dia sibuk nak main tak mau tdo,.. Dear laling sampai stress tak leh tidur, sure la dia dok kacau papa kesayangan kan,.. Me dia tak kacau pon,.. Mungkin dia tau malam td me dok melayan false contraction,.. Ai layan je sampai tertido, kalu tertido tuh maksudnya Ok lah,.. Dah nak time dah kot!?!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
It's a Bliss
Alhamdulillah, Liam is such a healthy child! After the jab he didnt get fever,and i didnt give the paracetamol as prescribed by the paed. Hahaha is it because i'm a lazy mom!?! Or i just dont remember how to feed him medicine after more than a year from the last time he got sick, which was when he 7months old,..

Recently he keeps reminding us to zikir in the car, 'subhanallaha-illallah', and sang 'InsyaAllah' by Maher Zain. I knew he got the song from his grenma :P and latest, he sang a rythm of reciting Quran when he open my surah pilihan beside the bed. Yes, we practically let him hear and see us recite Quran, not just by playing videos or mp3s. It's one of 'budaya' we want to build in our little family. Let's train the children from home. Home is the 1st place of learning and training. Good examples came from the parents. So parents let's be the best for our children. Thank you, abah n mak! We learnt from both of u....:)) May Allah Bless Us and Guide Us All Along The Journey in Finding Jannah,..
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Recently he keeps reminding us to zikir in the car, 'subhanallaha-illallah', and sang 'InsyaAllah' by Maher Zain. I knew he got the song from his grenma :P and latest, he sang a rythm of reciting Quran when he open my surah pilihan beside the bed. Yes, we practically let him hear and see us recite Quran, not just by playing videos or mp3s. It's one of 'budaya' we want to build in our little family. Let's train the children from home. Home is the 1st place of learning and training. Good examples came from the parents. So parents let's be the best for our children. Thank you, abah n mak! We learnt from both of u....:)) May Allah Bless Us and Guide Us All Along The Journey in Finding Jannah,..
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Sunday, October 2, 2011
Swimming with Family,..

... Sunday morning, my mum, sis n brother came over Suria Jelatek for breakfast (they brought nasi dagang for us, n theirs). And later we had 'SPLASH w/ Family'. Liam had soooooo much fun swimming this morning. The last time he swim was with his Pak Lang (my brother, who now at London continue study there)!
Afternoon I got 2 invitations of open house n birthday party cum house warming. Alhamdulillah managed to fulfill the invitations.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011
Jab for Hepatitis A @ 21 months,..

... Sekejap je my little Khalifah dah 21 months! Today he got his hepatitis A's jab at Dr. Kishore Clinic, KPJ Tawakal. Now, he already knows the feeling of being scared n knows what will happen when seeing doc. Hoh, belum apa2 dah nangis. Papa kene peluk Liam bila doc. nak bg injection. Nangis! Tp sekejap je, kluar bilik doc. dah OK. Hopefully tak liam tak demam, usually pon tak demam. Tp doc. kata injection ni sakit sikit, even ai yg amik jab hep.B masa pregnant 7 & 8 mnths pon terasa sakit, inikan budak kecik. So doc. bg paracetamol for him in case he got fever later. Yup, kitorg takde stok paracetamol sbb Liam dah setahun kot tak demam, alhamdulillah,.. Sihat anak ibu n papa ni :))
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