Friday, July 1, 2011

On the 23rd Weeks

Done pregnancy check-up of the month! Nearly 6 months,.. Lately keep on thinking of what need to prepare and it comes with money! Dah nak kene start planning on labour n etc! Sekarang ni, semua pon duit,.. Sila amalkan sikap menabung ye! Huhu walau sikit mane pon, Insyaallah itu lah duit bila kecederaan emergency. Duit tabung my laling dah habis dah mase nk pindah rumah hari tu. (Gigih dia dok kire duit syiling dia then pi tuka kat kedai mamak! huhuhu ade gak la 3 4 ratus!) Sekarang kene start menyimpan semula, nih nak raya pulak!

Oh, yes! I gained 49kg! Increase by 2.5kg! BAAAAAAAAAAAAGUS,.. setelah 3 bulan tak mau naik. But still need to monitor my food intake! kang tak pasai overweight pulak… Huhuhu  lupe pula, thing that we reveal today was the baby’s gender! Woooohahaha it’s ZIYAAD the 2nd lah! Tak yah pikir dah beli bju baru bagai, recycle je,.. kalau nk baru pon tggu hadiah org kasi boleh!?! hahaha sangat la jimat! Macam tau2 je ibu dah invest ke LONE PINE HOTEL hari tuh! kekeke bijak3! Ibu sooooooooka lah! So papa, lepas nih kene beli tiang goal eh letak kat serambi rumah kite yg besar tuh! biar both brothers play football kat situ! Winking smile


Psssssssst,.. dear laling, since we can save LOTS now, I demand for single bed room at TAWAKAL eh! huhuhu blh la laling temankan sayang! LOVE u LOTS lah! Sarcastic smile


nurul said...

oh, ziyaad dpt adik laki la...makin penat ar ko nanti kiena....dua dua boy...:)

Unknown said...

insyaAllah! makin kurus! uuuuu i loike!

miszaugust said...

nanti kalau dah ada tiang gol kat umah, i nak letak haikal skali n join the team la ek :)

Unknown said...

siti, meh2 kite wat team bola sepak! kekeke...