Wednesday, December 31, 2014

5 Years Pre-school for Ziyaad Ilhaam

Goodbye Year 2014.
Welcome Year 2015.

Ni tak tahu nak rasa apa. Nak nangis ka nak suka? Anak iols dah start masuk pre-school 5 Years tahun 2015!!! Haaaaaa cepat nya Abam' Liam ibu ni membesar,.. Ibu ni je tak tua tua lagi! Boleh!?! Hahaha :P  This will be our first experience to send him to school. Sebelum ni memang dok hantar dia rumah pengasuh ja. Ada juga la bawa dia sekali sekala pi play-school tu, yang sejam ja seminggu. Tapi bila ibu mula sibuk dengan projek tak tentu masa ibu tak boleh nak commit hantar dia lagi dah. Adik langsung la tak pernah attend whatever class '___'* Adik memang baby ibu sampai besar laaaa,.. Cakap pon pelat lagi! Haaaa acane? 

So ni nak cerita Pre-School yang Ziyaad Ilhaam akan masuk esok esok ni (year 2015). We decided to send him to Raudhah Adni at Taman Melawati. Tak berapa nak dekat sangat la dengan rumah. But after considering the pros & cons, and testimonial by my little sisters yang memang sekolah kat ADNI dr pre-school until primary, we firmly want to send him here. Hmm compared to other private school, their fees  is quite high. Tapi tak mengapa lah. Demi anak, memang ibu & papa dah prepare what ever need. The investment should be spend for their best education. Kite pon memang bukan jenis belanja nak pi holiday ke bagai. Better lah pakai untuk Education. Nak plak ibu ni pemalas nak mengajar anak, mengaji, hafazan & sewaktu dengannya, ye lah balik rumah tak tentu masa. Kadang weekend pon kene kerja >_< Balik rumah still ibu masak dinner & kemas apa patut *memang jenis tak leh sepah rumah, at least kitchen mesti clean & clear* Tak dak maid juga nak menguruskan rumah. Ibu redha je lah. Mudah mudahan Allah perkenan & permudahkan segala urusan Tahun 2015. 

Nah bagi sikit penerangan & fees skolah ni;

Mujur ibu & papa memang dah menyimpan (investment), maka gagah juga nak pi bayar ni. Semua ni perlu perancangan. Bukan baru mula. Kalau kita jenis memang fikirkan masa depan anak, sure kita dah start menabung (investment) waktu depa masih baby. Bukan masa dah nak sekolah baru nak gagau cari duit. Kami bukanlah gaji 5 figures, insyaallah kami berusaha yang terbaik untuk depa. Berjimat lah. Berbelanja apa yang patut. *sebab tu juga lah aku rela masak setiap hari untuk depa makan*

Memandangkan hari ni hari terakhir 2014, Ibu pon mengheret the Ziyaads pi school! Pi bayar apa patut, books & school uniform. Dah settle awal senang sikit... Nanti 2hb January ibu tinggal nak pi bayar school fees ja!

Abang excited nak bagitau "Ni school Abang!"

Year 2016, both of them gonna school together, here. InsyaAllah.

Allahumma yassir wala tu’assir. Rabbi tammim bi’khair. 
Ya Allah, make it easy and do not make it difficult. Ya Allah make it end well. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

IDeas: When to Use Engineered Wood Floors

See why an engineered wood floor could be your best choice (and no one will know but you)

Once installed, an engineered wood floor can be difficult to distinguish from a solid plank floor. But believe me, even a trained eye can be fooled as often as not. Even though both types of wood floors bring the look of natural wood into a home, they are very different things. When to use planks and when to go engineered confuses a lot of people. 

It's really not so complicated. Engineered wood floors behave a little differently than plank floors do; they tend to be easier to install and they're usually less expensive than solid planks. 

Wood floors are a classic addition to any home. Barring damage from fire or flood, a well-made and correctly-installed solid wood floor will add warmth, character and value to your interior as long as you're in your house. 

However, not all wood floors are equal, and the many species of wood that get made into floors have different characteristics. Understanding these characteristics will go a long way to help you choose the wood floor right for you. 

Engineered wood floors and solid wood floors are very different things, and there are different situations when one would work better than the other. A future installment of this series will discuss engineered wood floors, but let's get through solid wood first. 

Originally, engineered wood floors were developed for use on the first floor of a home built on a concrete slab or in a basement. But engineered wood flooring technology has exploded over the last 20 years, and its products can be used just about anywhere, including in places where you'd expect to find plank floors. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Ziyaads day out with Ibu & Papa.

Mulanya plan weekend lepas nak balik kampung. Tapi LPT exit Temerloh tutup sebab naik air, tidak la kami anak beranak pulang ke kampung. Kene tunda ke minggu berikutnya. Mudah-mudahan banjir reda secepat mungkin. Semoga mangsa mangsa banjir tabah & kuat menghadapi dugaan yang hebat ini. Allah bagi ujian kerana sayang kan hambaNya.

Makanya, last Sunday, Papa bawa kitorang berjalan jalan di Midvalley & The Gardens setelah 2 minggu tak bawa The Ziyaads berjalan di Shopping Mall. *last 2 weeks memang agak bz dengan kerja* Mujur anak anak sangat behave! Bukan jenis meminta sana sini. Cukup sekadar bagi depa jelajah bahagian mainan yang banyak banyak tu. Depa dok belek satu satu sampai puas! Penat tengok mainan, lunch The Chicken Rice Shop dulu, pastu sambung lagi tawaf tengok department toys tempat lain. Haaaaa mudah kan? 

Anak berebut iPad dengan Papa.

Penat berjalan, Papa kendong! Kasih Papa konsepnya :))
Alhamdulillah Allah bagi nikmat anak anak yang tak banyak ragam. 

Orang kata berjalan di Shopping Mall banyak habis duit. Bagi aku, terpulang kekuatan jiwa shopping korang tu acane. Kalau memang ada kemampuan n kemahuan memang akan ada je la yang dibelanja nya. Macam aku ni, sejak sejak orang hutang aku tak bayar ni, memang kemahuan berbelanja benda tak perlu tu mati. Sebab sakit hati -___-' Sungguh depa ingat kita ni tak dak komitmen kah? Siap tanya ada project ka dak! Ingat ada company sendiri boleh sesuka hati keluarkan duit company untuk keperluan personal. Depa ni tak paham cashflow la tu. Kalau macam ni punya mentaliti memang pentingkan diri sendiri. Hang ni memang jaga poket sendiri ja!?! What's IN is priority for the staff.  Kebajikan staff harus la dijaga. Allah itu Maha Adil, hang buat kat orang sat lagi orang buat kat hang plak. Apa susah? Allah ada. 

Enough rambling pasai hutang. 

Cuma nya tak kira apa pon, berbelanjalah secara berhemah. Jangan dok sibuk berbelanja sana sini, padahal tak mampu nk jaga kebajikan orang lain. Kalau hanya mampu pakai kete kancil, jangan lagaknya seperti mampu pakai kereta Merc, paham kah? 

Cerita Cuti Xmas hari tu,..

“If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh.” ― P.C. Cast
Friends get-together on Xmas Holiday!  

Sejujurnya aku memang suka tadah rumah aku untuk jadi tempat lepak & pertemuan kawan-kawan. Aku rasa rumah adalah lebih selesa bagi kitorang yang ada anak anak kecil. Sat lagi anak nak terkencing la, menangis gaduh berebut mainan lah, belum lagi geng the boys yang main tembak tembak! While the kids having fun in their play-room boleh juga ibu ibu bapak bapak buka kedai kopi sambil bergossip kan!?! Haaaaa... Aku tak prepare beriya pon sebab aku ajak depa semua datang minum petang. Aku hidangkan M&Ms Congo Bars & Bihun Sup ja,.. Itu pon gambar makanan tak sempat nak snap. Sibuk updating stories ibu ibu! Gituuuu... Nak plak tengah cerita hot banjir di pantai timur! Memang 'this-is-pata-timo' lah konsep rumah aku petang tu. Speaking Teganu & Kelate only! Hahaha memang most of us from Pantai Timur. Dua tiga kerat ja speaking luar! Rindu sebenar nya riuh rendah 'this-is-pata-timo'.

Part 1 : 5 of 9 , From Back (L-R) : Eza, Dina, Pcloh, Me, Atie.
Part 1 : 5 of 9 , From Back (L-R) : Atie, Eza, Me, Pcloh & Anis
*uhuk uhuk tuan rumah tak sempat bersiap, pin tak sempat nak pakai molek, jadi 'ustazah pilihan'sat!* Ni adalah geng HBP, USM aku masa 1st Year! Yup sebelum masing masing do majoring! Ni tak cukup ni,.. Kitorang ade 9 orang! Besar sungguh geng! InsyaAllah lainkali plan molek boleh jumpa skali semua. Yelah bukan semua dok kat KL. Ni pon beriya sebab Anis from Penang & Pcloh from Kemaman ada kat KL! Apapon happy sangat dapat kumpul reramai walaupon tak cukup korum :))

My Melbourne - Sydney Travel Buddies.
Ni plak geng Travel  2 weeks to Melbourne & Sydney, Year 2007! Mase tu belum kawen. Memasing single and having fun travel together! Rinduuuuu nak travel lagi.. Tapi kalau la ni kene la bawa askar memasing :P

M&M's Congo Bars. Hidangan minum petang selain Bihun Suop (tiada gambar).
Culik Si Cantik Manis! Nah ni anak Dina, Dian!
Dulu mak dia (Dina) hantu sungguh dengan AADC, siap hapai dialog & lagu semua! Itu pasai nama anak dia, dia bg nama Dian! :P

Friday, December 26, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Lets Style with Aviation Things!

Tengok bawah ni plak! Cuteness overloadssss! Aaa rasa nak beli je letak dalam bilik The Ziyaads. Kalau anak anak suka cerita PLANES tu mesti excited hias bilik depa cenggini! 

Shelves of Fame ka LEGO of Fame?

Dulu masa kat rumah Jelatek, memang berangan sangat nak Wall of Fame kat rooms alley! 
Now kat rumah setiawangsa, I made Shelves of Fame! 
Hahahaha boleh la daripada tak dak kan...
Pastu anak anak yang kretip ni pon buat LEGO display kat my shelves tu! 

Haaaa nampak tak, shelf no. 2 tu dah jadi aim depa.
Tu baru satu model..
Esok esok tengok lah bertambah ke tak..
Nasib baik shelf no. 1 tu agak tinggi.
Kebarangkalian depa Nak susun adalah rendah, mungkin
Siap je satu model depa susun kat situ. Pantang lepa!
Ada ja idea depa!
Kemain lagi depa ni!
Abang la ketua idea ni. Macam macam depa built! Ibu siap tanya boleh tak ibu kemas LEGO kat shelf tu.. Abang mesti la tak kasi. Makanya ibu kasi option, built new one get rid the old one! Haaaa system barter. Supaya tak bertambah model depa atas tu. Kalau dak interfere la gambaq gambaq yang ibu susun kat shelf tu! :'(

Friday, December 19, 2014

Lat’s ‘Kampung Boy’ takes second spot in Japanese award

Source: The Stars

KUALA LUMPUR: The Japanese version of Lat’s Kampung Boy has won second place in Japan’s Gaiman Award for the overseas comic category.
The comic by Datuk Mohd Nor Khalid (pic), better known as Lat, beat 14 others from several countries including the United Kingdom, Spain, China and South Korea.
According to the results announced on Saturday through the website, the comic from the United States, Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon, took first place.
In third place was Jolies Tenebres, an entry from France.
“Generally, overseas readers love reading Kampung Boy and choose the book because it portrays the culture, harmony and unity of Malaysian society through the eyes of a local village boy.
“The illustrations of real characters in a village setting draw readers close to them and make the comic an easy read,” said a statement released in conjunction with the award.
The Japanese version of Kampung Boy was translated by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Japanese language lecturer, Hieda Natsue, and edited by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) lecturer Assoc Prof Soda Naoki.
It was jointly published by the Malaysian Institute of Translation and Books and Tokyo’s TUFS Press.
Launched at the Tokyo Inter­national Book Fair in July, it was also used as a teaching aid for South-East Asian Studies at TUFS because of its uniqueness.
Lat’s works have been translated and are published in 12 foreign languages including English, Arabic, Mandarin, Tamil, French, German, Indonesian and Korean. — Bernama

IDeas for House - Seeley Avenue

The more I design the more I love classical & contemporary design! Its define your class. I also find its cosy and everlasting. Totally worth if decided to stay long with the design. Its not am rejecting modern design, somehow after a while (or getting old. *uhuk* yes i am!) you want something cosy interior. I do love wood/timber & wall paneling. Its makes the room/area alive. Sometimes its soften the looks. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Volunteering at TOF2014

Alhamdulillah last weekend I had an opportunity to do volunteering for Mercy Mission Malaysia at Twins of Faith Conference 2014. Every volunteers were divided into several sections. As usual am in Mothers Room. I think most of mothers acknowledge me, its been like almost every year am in this section. I love being in the Mothers Room. Its convenient for me as sometimes i need to bring my kids along if i had too. This year the participants in the room has increased. Its quite pack than last year & i think next event we need a bigger hall to accommodate! 

Looking at this year topics held in the main hall & workshop, totally ohsem! Semuaaaa best! All i can conclude is worth every penny! Most of the participant enjoyed the 2 days event. So lets target for next year TOF! They usually held on December, every year.

This is Mothers Room. As I told earlier in my previous post, there have live streaming from the Main Hall. Mom will seat together with their kids (only below 5 years, above need to register at Play & Pray which the kids will enjoy the activities inside Play & Pray).

The volunteer sisters in Mothers Room. Fulfilled the tummy first before work (before the moms & kids arrive). Yeah we totally need the energy! More works in the morning as we helping the participant to settle down before the conference started. 

We also been reminded by the head of volunteer early in the morning, 

"Lillahi Taala. What ever we did today & tomorrow is the seed for thereafter. InsyaAllah." 

*May Allah accept our deeds & bless us. Amiin.*

And lastly, we wrapped with Mothers Room Team Photo. Short of 2 sisters who need to get back early. Thank you Kak Rasinah (Project Manager of Mothers Room), she's the back bone of the team. You are sooooo dear to us, and the sisters thank you for your cooperation & good teamwork we had through out the event! *Eventhough i had my hard times doing the task as i had running nose & not feeling well I hope I'm not burdening others. Its explained why i wore sweater :'(*

Am gonna miss working you girls. 
InsyaAllah, with Allah will we gonna meet again. 
Love you all, Lillahi Taala.

Alhamdulillah, token of appreciation by Mercy Mission, 2015 Executive Note Book & Mug. The 2 books beside were given by a mom (Participant) who stayed in the Mothers Room. I cudnt express so  much, its beyond words. Its totally touched my heart as they recognise & appreciate us so much in the Mothers Room.  I pray Allah bless her & family. Amin.



Ibn Qayyim (May Allah have mercy on him) said that there are ten things that bring about the love of Allah.

1) Recitation of the Qur’ an with reflection and with understanding of its meanings.

2) Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of love.

3) Remembering Allah during every situation – with one’s time, heart and deeds, one’s share of that love is to the degree of one’s share in that remembrance.

4) Preferring what He loves to what you love when your desires are strong.

5) Allowing your heart to reflect on His Names and Attributes.

6) Reflecting on His many favors and blessings, both the apparent ones and hidden ones, for that leads to His love.

7) Having your heart softened as it is worshipping Allah.

8) Being alone with Him in worship when He descends during the last third of the night. And this means to invoke Him, to recite His Speech, to stand with all sincerity and with good manners and with good submission, and then to end that with repentance and with seeking His forgiveness.

9) Sitting with those who are truthful in their love of Allah.

10) Staying away from all that creates barriers between the heart and Allah.

We ask Allah to grant us His love, and the love of those who love Him and the love of those actions which bring us close to him:)

(Source : TOF fb)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quality Time with The Ziyaads

Last nite we spend sometime colouring with The Ziyaads!
Usually its only on reading / browsing books.

They were sooooo excited colouring only on LEGO things.*last nite papa print some LEGO colouring pages*  They don't bother to colour their CARS colouring book or even TOYS STORY. Those books only for them to 'content-conteng'!

Actually Adik never had a proper colouring session, he only do the 'conteng-conteng' :P But, alhamdulillah he is a good observer & good in mastering skills! I only guide his hand once, and he wanted to do it himself after that!*siap tepis tangan ibu sebab nak buat sendiri!* That was ohsem! *last time his brother i need to guide many times,.. he ignored & not concentrating while I'm guiding his hand,duh!*

Nah, if you oso looking for colouring pages for your kids! Click here

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Most Popular Kitchen Storage Ideas of 2014

What is the most important space / area in your house?
First thing need to be done before moving to new/rent house.

Happy browsing and gaining ideas peeps!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lets join PERI-VILEGE by Nandos!

Sapa suka makan Nandos? 
Aku sukaaaa,..Peri-peri chicken dia sedap! The Ziyaads pon suka! Biasa aku akan order 1/4 Chicken flavor MILD, w/ 2 sides of Mediterranean Rice pastu amik HOT Peri-peri sauce. Ni untuk orang yang tak berapa nak HOT macam aku la kan! Order satu untuk makan 3 mulut, wajib amik nasi untuk 2 -2 sides.  Actually menu depa ni sesuai la untuk orang yang diet! Hahaha kata nak healthy life style *uhuk*uhuk* Satu lagi aku suka Hummus & Pita Bread Nandos,.. Alahaaaai sekarang pon dah terbayang! 

Last Saturday pi bawa The Ziyaads makan Nandos setelah sekian lama, terperasan plak mende ni, PERI-VILEGE royalty program katanya! Aku tai tau la bila depa start! Tapi nya last Saturday aku terlepas la sati point. Sebab masa order tu dah kene bg no ID, dah nye aku dah order baru perasan mende alah ni! Haih,.. So korang google it out! and dont forget to download the apps!


Here is a loyalty programme with guaranteed returns. All you have to do is eat chickens and collect Chillies. \With each visit, you’ll get one Chilli. And on the 3rd, 6th and 9th visit, you’ll see real rewards. So download the Nando’s App now and get a chicken-back-guarantee!

Tengok tu,... 3rd, 6th & 9th visit dap at free chicken! Alahaaaaai berbaloi ke idok??? 
Meh la merancang untuk dapat kan reward ni,.. :P

Sleeping in a Tent!

Just because their dad is an architect, they can have a  DIY-tent in their room! 
How lucky they are, kan!?! 

Mula nya aku pening la jugak, kenapakah papa depa ni bawa balik paper roll A0 size (roll kosong yg dah habis tu)? Pastu bunyi pula papa depa buat project potong memotong kat atas,.. Aku tak pi jenguk pon, sibuk mengemas memasak kat bawah kan,.. rumah dah ada tangga memang malas melampau. Naik tingkat atas tu memang bercinta! Dah nak tdo baru la aku naik atas.  Macam biasa aku akan jenguk dulu The Ziyaads ni dalam bilik depa. Put them properly on bed la kiranya,.. Soh baca doa semua. Kalau tak, depa ni penuh mainan atas katil  pon depa boleh tdo skali! Menjerit ibu tengok depa tido gituh! Haih,.. 
Nah ni la dia tent yang Papa depa usahakan! Nasib baik anak laki,.. memang buleh la buat project DIY mainan untuk depa! Tent je pon dah ok! Kalau anak gegirl? jenuh potong banyak banyak kotak nak buat kan tempat masak masak! Lol! The Ziyaads ni dapat tido dalam tent memang seronok laaa,.. dok susun atur bantal bagi tempat baring semua! Haaaa,.. dah gitu ibu pon tinggal kan je la depa soh depa tidur sendiri :P Tapi tengah malam adik nangis katanya tak muat dia nak baring dalam tu. Haaaaa,.. bising bising gini, ibu soh tidur atas katil je! Tak berebut nak tidur dalam tent yang tak berapa nak muat depa dua orang tu! So Papa, next project sila buat Tent yang besar sikit! Huu huu huuu...

Friday, December 5, 2014

15-Minute Full-Body Workout

Am not a sport person or even a health freak. But as i grew older *sigh! am on my 30's already* am aware about getting fit. At least running or walking once a week! Seriously, it's hard for me to keep running all the way. Sebab aku pon bukan jenis yang suka berlari pon! Masa skolah, slalu je bagi alasan tak boleh lari. Memang aku rasa kaki aku ni berat gila bila berlari, bontot pon berat jugeeeek! Makanya aku berlari 2 minit pastu sambung berjalan 5 minit, sambung lagi berlari 2 minit. Ntah la aku rasa berlari tu 2 minit pon tak sampai!!!! :P Yang penting aku usaha la juga sepanjang 2km tu at least. 

Semalam, 1st time running kat kawasan rumah sejak pindah. Haaaa,.. aku rasa petang petang kejiranan aku ni tak berapa nk running. Depa biasa pepagi,. Kalau pagi aku keluar rumah pi kerja tu, banyak group juga la sepanjang jalan tu yang running/walking. Aku tak sempat nak running pepagi, dengan nak hantar anak lagi, and aku jenis masuk kerja awal. Kadang 830pg aku dah sampai ofis sebelum staff aku sampai. Breath taking view juga la kalau running area rumah aku ni, banyak greenies, atas bukit katanya! Kalau running lepas hujan, pergh,.. sesejuk macam dok Cameron! *aaah! itu poyo sajaaaa!* Sebenarnya sebelum aku pindah sini, biasa seminggu 2 kali pi running/walking kat Tasik Titiwangsa dengan member. Dapat la total 4km seminggu kan! Tapi ni sejak pindah & operation *sigh! ntah bila aku nak cerita pasai sakit aku aritu, soon lah ye!* aku stop sat. Tup tup nak masuk sebulan setengah tak berlari. Tu yang semalam aku gagahkan juga.

Sempat juga aku capturing view, nice kan?
Ni aku berlari lepas hujan berenti! Memang layan! Weather pon layan!

Malas sangat nak berlari kita buat cardio workout kat rumah. YouTube ade banyak video yang boleh je nak follow. Ni aku nak share Popsugar Fitness channel kat YouTube. Ade je workout yang amik masa 5 minit tapi berpeluh menitik tik tik! Dalam iPhone aku ni memang ade je folder fitness video, kira macam handy la nak bawa kemana mana. Biasanya aku akan buat yg 5 minutes / 10 minutes workout. Tu pon banyak mengelat. Masa training kat gym dengan trainer mampus tak boleh ngelat kan!?! Bila workout sendiri pepaham je lah,.. :P

15-Minute Full-Body Workout: Fast and Furious Calorie Burn! 
Enjoy burning the fat yawww!
And feel the muscle pain!!!! :P