Life is unpredictable. You thought u had enough but, nothing last. Yes. Even a decision can hurt others where you think you can live alone by that. Sometime you felt that you being left and unappreciated. Yes. There's a time you feel like you want to stop contributing. Please don't stop. Even your mouth say yes, deep in your heart you know you cant. You just need a space to shout it out. Yell it dear. No. Have you forgotten something? Oh Yes, you have Allah. Always. *bersandar pada Allah adalah lebih baik*
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Are you a Malaysian? Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Here are some presents for you!
Are you a Malaysian? Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Here are some presents for you!: Win prizes ranging from cool gadgets, shopping vouchers, experiences and more when you share a SAYS Social Recommendation to your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
By choosing your favorite prizes from the Weekly Giveaway, every unique visit received after sharing a Social Recommendation will leave you with a +1 chance of winning a prize you chose. Even better, invite a friend and receive +10 chances!
By choosing your favorite prizes from the Weekly Giveaway, every unique visit received after sharing a Social Recommendation will leave you with a +1 chance of winning a prize you chose. Even better, invite a friend and receive +10 chances!
This morning I woke up as early 4.30am just to bake this 'kookies'. *ade orang order* I had a good time baking this as the boys still sleeping. *lepas ni nak buat kek bagai memang ini lah waktu terbaik!* Elok je pukul 6, Liam bangun terkedek-kedek pi dapur. Terus mintak nak 'bisekot'. Mula-mula takut dia ngigau, tapi lepak tengok betul-betul, i pon bagi... Heeee risau kot makan sambil baring nnt tercekik pula. :P
As promised, enjoy the recipe. Sorry ai tak pandai lah nak buat ayat. So kalau tak paham u can just ask me.

250g salted butter,softened
200g light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt (i didnt add)
1/2 tsp coffee emulco
1 egg1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup nestum
1/2 cup almond
1 pack m&ms
1/2 cup choc chip
300g flour (i used plain flour with 1/2tsp of baking powder)
1.Whisk butter & sugar. Then mix well with egg, emulco & vanilla
2.Fold in dry ingredients.
3.Arrange in tray and bake in oven 180C for 12 minutes.
Thanks Rima! Ok, this recipe altered after Rima's.
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As promised, enjoy the recipe. Sorry ai tak pandai lah nak buat ayat. So kalau tak paham u can just ask me.

250g salted butter,softened
200g light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt (i didnt add)
1/2 tsp coffee emulco
1 egg1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup nestum
1/2 cup almond
1 pack m&ms
1/2 cup choc chip
300g flour (i used plain flour with 1/2tsp of baking powder)
1.Whisk butter & sugar. Then mix well with egg, emulco & vanilla
2.Fold in dry ingredients.
3.Arrange in tray and bake in oven 180C for 12 minutes.
Thanks Rima! Ok, this recipe altered after Rima's.
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Fly-day Yeay #3
Awal tahun ni banyak sangat cuti. Lemau eh... Nak buat appoinment kerja pon selalu tertangguh sebab end-user tak de. Sibuk cuti gamaknya. Anyhow, hopefully can settle down by February. InsyaAllah.
Ok let cherish the Friday with photo of my Bobot. This morning, while i'm doing my make up :) At least he did behave for at least 10minutes before he wants his milk!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Ziyaad Ilhaam & BR
Yesterday he turns 2! Yes, 2 years old! How the time flies,.. Not so much we did yesterday, we only had BR! Enough to make him happy :)) *kecik lagi pon tak pandai minta pape lagi*
Sekarang dia pandai sangat nak bergaya. Nak pakai seluar jeans sokmo. Pantang nampak. Even dalam bakul baju kotor pon dia dok kutip mau pakai tak mau pakai seluar tidur or seluar biasa. Jenuh aih nak pujuk pakai kalau seluar jeans tak de. Sanggup pakai balik seluar yg pakai sebelum nya bila malam. Susah2 ai tak pakaikan dia seluar :P
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
January Babies 2012
Had a small celebration, yet meaningful at my crib on Sunday afternoon. Tea time perhaps. Invited my family to come over and I served them my Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Topping. Been sooooo long I'm not baking it. I guess the skill is still there and just need more time to bake in order to polish it. *oh, how I missed those classes, dah ada anak ni susah la sikit. Eh, susah banyak! Pffffft :P*

Ok let wish them Happy Birthday. Dad on 15th, Shahida on 22nd, Liam & Mom on 25th. :)) huwaaaaa my Liam turns 2 years old tomorrow, 25th! So fast meh!?!
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Ok let wish them Happy Birthday. Dad on 15th, Shahida on 22nd, Liam & Mom on 25th. :)) huwaaaaa my Liam turns 2 years old tomorrow, 25th! So fast meh!?!
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Happy Chinese New Year

It's quite a long holiday. 4 days yo! Lama jugak la,.. Kitorang pon amik kesempatan ni untuk balik Jengka on Sunday. Alhamdulillah highway sangat la lancar. Oh, sebelum balik kg, kami siap2 kemas rumah, vacuum, membasuh & lipat baju. Fuh, sangat lega bila balik rumah dari Jengka on Monday afternoon keadaan rumah sangat tenang & bersih. Plus, mak mertua pun bekal kan lauk tuk dinner, so I tinggal masak nasi je :)) heeee,..
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Looking forward...

... to have 'kopi' session with her! Seryes seronok sangat dapat jumpa minah ni, Baee,.. Dulu mase matrik memang kawan berjimba! Banyak kot kenangan matrik bersama. Oh, mase USM pon ade gak walaupon dok terpisah kampus ( me kat Induk, Baee kat transkerian). *kalau ada reen, uji, mas & zue mesti lagi meriah kan!?!*
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An Evening with Ziyaads...
Last Thursday, purposely went back early for a healthy evening. Seronok juga bila sekali sekala dok main dengan anak-anak lepas balik kerja. Hilang lelah kerja. Ibu and papa pon boleh ber'badminton'! ;) Weekend? aih, banyak sangat pasal yang perlu diselesaikan during weekend *basuh baju, kemas rumah, masak etc or even work's appoinment* Perasan tak ade gambar Liam takut main buaian? hahaha first time kot dia naik sorang2. Biasa dia dok atas papa je.
**psst.. sekarang tak dak masa nk tulis blog panjang-panjang. Enjoy the photos eh!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Aqiqah & Housewarming...
On last Sunday, 15th Jan 2012, we did aqiqah & housewarming at Beverly Heights. Thanks for those who came! The menu of day were Nasi Beriyani Kambing, Sambal Ayam, Kari Terung & Kacang Panjang, etc. And all been prepared by us! Fuh,.. 2 ekor kambing tau! Masterchef mesti lah bapa ku. Memang penat. But berbaloi and jimat juga. Aku tak dan nak buat or deco bagai untuk diaper cakes table. Just letak je atas meja tu with some door gift. Nasib baik cookies ku cukup. Heeee aku ingat kan tak cukup.. Stock untuk rumah sendiri je yang tak cukup. Ingat this weekend la nak baking sikit untuk stock.*Eh ada orang order juga. Thanx eh* Gambar on that day pon tak banyak termasuk la gambar family sendiri. Dok sibuk layan orang datang. Lain kali kene la hire photographer. *eh macam ade budget je!?! tapi klu ade yg volunteer pon best! :P*
Sekali lagi thanx korang! Both ziyaads pon happy dapat banyak angpau & hadiah. :))
Missing Bobot.

Aih,...tetibe hari ni sangat rindu kat Bobot. Mungkin sebab pagi tadi dia bangun and give me his sweetest smile! Seryes. His smile easily gets my heart melting! Oh bobot,... Liam plak sekarang memang big boy. Comot ya ampun! Bangun tidur kalau tak puas (sebab dikejut nak pi rumah grenma) mesti merengek2 mau didukung. Tak mau jalan/bangun sendiri. Kalau ai tak layan, dia akan nangis teresak2 macam sedih sangat cari papa untuk minta dukung. :-/
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Friday, January 13, 2012
Teaser #1
Dah dekat seminggu bersengkang mata untuk ini. Lambat. Buat sikit-sikit sebab buat sorang and ada anak kecik yang menyusu badan. Tak mengapa, puas hati dapat bagi yang terbaik.
Dear laling? hampeh, suruh tolong jaga & tidurkan anak, dia tidur dulu! pffffffffffffft....
Biasa orang pompuan ni kalau penat tunggang terbalik dengan kerja, anak and kerja rumah pon OK lagi.
Malas nak cakap.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Thursday, and I'm late!
As usual, early morning, drop off sons at Mum's house before heading to work. Unfortunately I have to turn back home to pick-up another EBM stock, as yesterday my sister forgot to store it! *semalam aku kirim kat dia cooler Coleman berisi EBM sebab aku terus balik Jelatek, pagi tadi pi dapur mak nak amik coleman tu bawa pi ofis, nampak ebm semalam. it was such a waste* and there goes my day! I'm late and pissed off! Hate to be late, because it will tone down my spirit for works. Huh. Bila dah lambat mula la nak buat bende lain, seperti mengambil mykid untuk 'Ilmaan. Oh, please take note that JPN at Maju Junction has been located at Kompleks Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Jalan Dutamas. It's a new building! Near Masjid Wilayah. Malas nak story panjang-panjang sebab masih marah teringat kan EBM yg aku buang pagi tadi. Pfffffffft.

So my half of day I fulfilled with running errands.
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So my half of day I fulfilled with running errands.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Hello 2012!
Happy New Year,.. Looks like everyone is having a long holiday and insyaAllah a good start perhaps.

For us, we started new year with homemade pancake. It's been soooooo long I didnt serve them my pancake. *like a year!?!* Pancake + Honey + Strawberries and knowing Liam who loves strawberry, he only eat the strawberry, pancake dia jamah sikit aje,..*Papa & ibu no chance la nak makan strawberry banyak-banyak :P* Oh, while I'm preparing the breakfast, papa sempat la buat hair-cut Liam. Me dah tak tahan tngok rambut dia yang dah panjang & lebat tu. Dah macam sarang tebuan pon ade. Heh, tapi bila rambut dah pendek, macam budak nakal la plak. :P
Afternoon, we went to KLCC. The nearest mall from our house after Great Eastern Mall, Jalan Ampang. Surveying LED TV! Mahal eh,.. Tapi dah eyeing ones at Best Denki. Eh, sebelum tuh, masuk Uni-Qlo dulu. Tengah sale! Dapat juga la grab chino pant rege 70hinggit! Heeeeee,... Dah pasni no more shopping. ;P

Dok minum kat Starbucks jap, sebab Liam tido,.. Tengah tengok & survey TV kat Sony, dia tido plak,.. So kitorang layan lah caffe mocha.
Anyways, no matter how you start your new year, always thank Allah. InsyaAllah, will be blessed.
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