weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee finally i had my Sporty Alice by CROCS, ouh the color in the pict is not exactly like that,.. it's PURPLE ok! ahahaha Kak Chik (my cousin@Account Exect) said "macam budak nakal",.. ahahaha yeah~ most of my shoes "macam budak nakal" remember KEDS yg collage tuh!?! ahahahah LOVE them...(skrg suda ade 2 kasut nakal! yeay~)
LOVE it till bits...

ala kiena, kite br bk beli kasut tu..hehehe..anyway, comfortable tak? ssh btol nk beli kasut..my kaki tends to melecet je!
ahahah comfort sgt... huhuhu klu nk jln2 shopping satu hari is advisable to wear this type of shoe! LOVE it sooooo much =)
awat la hang beli color purple?
sy suke warne yg bukan typical~ ngeh3 buleh jer pki wif jeans,.. ouh~ matching dgn selendang bru kuuuuuuuuuuu,..lalalalala
nak jugakkk !!!
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