Thursday, December 25, 2008

Family Photoshoot @ PICTURESTUDIO

Yeay it's family time! Ntah cmane ntah after more than 25 years my mum beriya2 mau buat family nyer photo@studio... punya la semangat, pg2 sambil2 breakfast my LOVE SIS, Aisha 'google'ing for Photo Studio kt KL. At last my mum decided nk p wat kt her x-student's photo studio, Picture Studio at Kotaraya! My dad yg pada awalnyer mcm endah x endah jer idea ni dgn semangat membawa beberapa pasang baju tuk photoshoot tuh! (adeh laaaaa....) So let's enjoy the session ..... =)

.:|| Me n My LALING... LOVE...=)

.:|| The FAMILY...

.:||Thanx to Jenny, our photographer!