Friday, March 19, 2010

Work Again

Ziyaad Ilhaam bile tggl berdua dgn ibu,.. ibu pula menunggu kepulangan papa

Ziyaad Ilhaam tdo odw pg2 ke rumah Nenda

Last monday was my 1st day get back to office! work!
Ziyaad Ilhaam!?!
No worries,..
Early in d morning sent him to Nenda's house @ Setiawangsa
Late evening, pick him back to Sentul
(ibu buleh skip prepare dinner, heeee dinner @ Nenda's aje!)
Senang kalu family tlg jage kan walau jauh sket
Hmmm first day tnpa ibu, Ziyaad Ilhaam menangis sepanjang hari wpon dia da biase dgn his aunt n also dgn bibik
The day after, alhamdulillah his coping well
Ziyaad Ilhaam still having BM, and i've been pump BM every 2-3hrs at d office
(stock untuk kt rumah Nenda!)
Sekarang me da x sempat buat breakfast n masak2 macam during my pregnancy
Sume kerja2 rumah n masak hanya on weekend
Klu weekend pon house chores been done after feeding ziyaad ilhaam early in d morning
Jam 3-4pagi!
Siang buleh concentrate feeding n cooking only
Susah bile xde pembantu nk tlg tgkkan Ziyaad Ilhaam
Laling pon bukan ade sentiase on weekend (ade hal n kelas bagai)
Tggl la ibu n Ziyaad Ilhaam kt rumah bile papa xde
(sgt mencabar bile tggl berdua dgn Ziyaad Ilhaam)
It's worth to sacrifice for the best! Papa blaja rajin2 eks,..
Nnt ibu n Ziyaad Ilhaam buleh pow papa best2,..
(heeeee lmbt x lg nk merase shopping x hengat dunia?? Insyaallah ibu percaya papa BULEH!!!)
Kdg2 nk masuk toilet pon risau kot2 die nangis,.. Hmmm,..
(erks sgt la tabik surirumah tngga yg menyusukan anak, ade anak ramai n menguruskan rumah tngga sendirian tnpa pembantu rumah!)

1 comment:

Rose said...

how time flies! dah balik kerja rupanya..congratulations, ziyaad is doing ok masa kiena kerja.

sampai sekarang dona pun rasa mencabar bila tinggal berdua.

Hang in there.