Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sleepy Ziyaad Ilhaam

Semalam Ibu pulang dari ofis Ziyaad Ilhaam masih tido,..
Ibu angkat jugak sbb nk bg dia berjaga
Tp masih nyenyak tdo atas pangkuan ibu
7mlm waktu feeding
After feeding, 'burp' kan die pon masih pejam kt atas sofa
Siap ampuh muka die dgn lengan lg!
N seperti biasa bontot tertonggek,.. hahaha
Haish,.. masih berusaha kejutkan dia dr tido
Supaya pulang Sentul dia buleh tido mlm dgn lama
Akhirnya mata dia buka juga,..
Ziyaad Ilhaam kalau da sedap tido mmg susah nk suruh dia bangun
Tp klu dia x mau tdo, teruk ibu dia dikerjakan!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ziyaad Ilhaam @ 2 months

Last Saturday, 27th March 2010
Weeeeeeeeee Ziyaad Ilhaam 2 months already!
Had 2 injections
Mase kene inject tuh Ziyaad Ilhaam nangis kejap jer,..

Gud boy anak ibu n papa nih,..

Jam 3 ptg, ibu n papa tgglkan Ziyaad Ilhaam kt rumah Nenda
Ibu n papa ade event!
Ni la Big Boss AT Asso. aka Ziyaad Ilhaam's grandfather
Thank you Boss for the Hi-Tea n Karaoke Treat =)

Office treat @ Red Box, Pavillion
Abes berkaraoke ibu n papa sambung dating plak
Lame da ibu x manja2 dgn papa

We had dinner at Coffee Bean
Our menu: Hazelnut Latte n Honey Mustard Chicken Chop

Seperti biase sharing is LOVE, hahaha

Tp order 2nd chicken chop yg same sbb my laling kata sedap n lapa!

N me akhirnya dapat 1 handbag,.. (will update later)

Thank you laling,..
LOVE mode

Jam 10mlm bru smpi rumah,..
Ziyaad Ilhaam demam la plak lepas kene inject dat morning

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shopping MODE

(is not a real sigh anyway! ahahaha)
i've been stuck to online shopping this week!
I know i shudnt start, and now i cudnt help myself surfing the online shop!
and makes me want to buy them,..
the list goes on and on,..

these are some of the shopping blog in the list:-

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you so much Ida n Fatin for awarding me this!!! I think it quite sometimes this award things not being spread n given among my circle of bloggers ,.. hahahaha

Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself.Well, here are 7 things about myself :
  • Married to MOHD SALIHIM MAT ZALI, my senior @ HBP, USM
  • Love n eagerly to see my Si Demoooks, Ziyaad Ilhaam's milestone
  • Happy n thankful with family i had, Alhamdulillah n May Allah Bless
  • I LOVE baking! Cakes! Pastries! Cookies!
  • I LOVE blog walking especially on9 shopping! weeeee i loikeee
  • I dont do any dish washing coz i'm allergy to the detergent unless it's bio o natural detergent
  • I dont like ironing! i would prefer hijab o tudung (usually shawl) which not causing me to iron before wear. hahahaha
And I'm passing this award to other bloggers with the most wonderful blog (I love dropping by at your blog) :

can i skip listing this one ??? heeeeeee i would prefer not listing it but open it to the my blog readers,.. U r welcome to have this award as i dont have any to give to u, blog readers!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Carrier

Ibu n Ziyaad Ilhaam dgn bby carrier

Berenti kejap for feeding

Post ni sepatutnya sblum post kt bwh tuh,.. hahaha excited nk tunjuk gmbr2 cumel Ziyaad Ilhaam terlupe nk post our 1st outing with bby carrier...
Ok cite pasal bby carrier nih,.. Dulu lg da survey2 bby carrier bjorn tuh.
Tp memandangkan harge nye sgt la x mengizinkan utk dibeli,..
Mahal Ok klu dibandingkan yg me da beli nih, Sweet Cherry RM 90++ aje!
Kegunaan die same aje,.. Tp terpulanglah pd fulus n kemampuan masing2
1st time percubaan Ziyaad Ilhaam dgn bby carrier sgt la x berjaya,..
Last 2 weeks, bw die p KLCC.
Masukkan je dlm tuh pon da nangis, ni kan jln2 dlm tuh,..
Adeeeeh mule2 biarkan jugak die nangis, tp,..
Tempat ramai org, mesti la ramai yg memandang!
Jdnya ibu dukung saja tnpa bby carrier,..
Tu pon nangis lagi menunjukkan tanda protes!
Adeeh laaaa budak ni mmg suke protes klu die x suke,..
Dia nangis2 n jerit2 bile die rase puas hati bru die diam
n akhirnya tertdo dlm dukungan ibu
Then Saturday rase nk try lgi gune bby carrier!
Sgt rase perlu utk die biase kan diri,..
Mula2 pki kt dlm rumah dulu,..
Then petang tuh decided bw die p Jusco Wangsa Maju
Mmg nk cari brg pon, alang2 buleh la buat percubaan bby carrier!
Yeay berjaya!
Tp seperti biase,.. sekejap je die da buhsan,..
2-way position sume da gune bile die buhsan,..
Tp position yg menghadap ibu juge yg bertahan lama sket,..
Itu pon kene slalu vibrate, bile diam lame sket mula la die berbunyi
Hmmm x pelah,.. practice makes perfect!
Ibu kene juga bg Ziyaad Ilhaam biase dgn macam2 bende,..
Klu ikutkan papa, die sgt la malas sbb die rase leceh,..
Bila nangis aje kt tmpt2 selain rumah mula la die rimas,..
Xpe ibu akan tetap bertahan tuk Ziyaad Ilhaam
ZIyaad Ilhaam kene bnyk expose supaya die buleh explore mcm2
Klu duduk rumah aje x bnyk buleh explore, lagipon ibu x hantar Ziyaad Ilhaam ke nursery,..
Papa xmo Ziyaad Ilhaam dok nursery wpon ibu rase ade baik nye dihantar ke nursery
(Ziyaad Ilhaam will learn fast n explore more with friends @ nursery)
Xpe lah, yg penting Ziyaad Ilhaam sehat n cerdas!

When 2 of us @ home

Waked up when d si demoooks need to feed
Then my laling asked me " hari ni breakfast ape?"
Agak mamai sambil menyusukan si demoooks,..
Ouh, "Keluarkan ayam"
"Nak masak ape?"
"Buat spagetti carbonara aje lah!" tu je yg buleh terpikir
Mudah n cepat!
Kene prepare breakfast dengan pantas sbb by 9am laling perlu menghadiri kelas (jgn tny kelas ape! hahaha)
Siap2 tdokan si demoooks, bru la buleh masak n by 830am breakfast da ready, Yeay!
Lepas je laling pergi tggllah me n si demoooks
Me terkebil2 nak buat ape
Baju done! Kitchen done! hmmmm
Ape lagi teman si demoooks tdo laaaa,.. Ahahahaha
Jam 10pg si demoooks bangun so me pon kene la bangun
Tetibe rase nk bg dia gune PACIFIER
Last time cube asyik melantun kluar aje
This time???
Yeay, berjaya suda,..
Walaupun masih memerlukan bantuan ibu
Pacifier ni sbnrnye nk kasi mudah keje ibu mendodoikan die tdo,.
xkesah la org nk marah ke ape ke bg pacifier nih!

Pastu letak si demoooks dlm rocker,.. (ibu nk main computer jap,..ehehehe)

Tetibe dgr die gelak2, toleh2 rupenyer die tgh main dgn binatang2 yg tergantung kt rocker tuh

Cepat2 amik hp snap gmbr sementara die leka main

X lama pastu papa pon pulang, papa pon tgk si demoooks main

Tp bese la kan concentration little one x lame

Pastu rengek2 mau minum n tdo

Seperti biase ibu punya task la tuh

But ibu notice sejak 2 hari ni (sabtu ahad) si demoooks mau tdo kene ade ibu

Bile ibu bangun, die pon mula la nk bangun skali

So kene tggu si demoooks betul2 lena bru buleh ibu bangun wat keje2 lain

Kadang2 tuh die intai2 buka mata die tgk muka ibu! (seperti biase die akan tdo atas ibu dulu, bile ibu rase da lena bru ibu angkat letak atas tilam

Papa die cube gak tdokan die mcm ibu buat, tp hmmmm...Papa die xde comforter mcm ibu! Tulang semata2,.. Aiyaaak~

Friday, March 19, 2010

Work Again

Ziyaad Ilhaam bile tggl berdua dgn ibu,.. ibu pula menunggu kepulangan papa

Ziyaad Ilhaam tdo odw pg2 ke rumah Nenda

Last monday was my 1st day get back to office! work!
Ziyaad Ilhaam!?!
No worries,..
Early in d morning sent him to Nenda's house @ Setiawangsa
Late evening, pick him back to Sentul
(ibu buleh skip prepare dinner, heeee dinner @ Nenda's aje!)
Senang kalu family tlg jage kan walau jauh sket
Hmmm first day tnpa ibu, Ziyaad Ilhaam menangis sepanjang hari wpon dia da biase dgn his aunt n also dgn bibik
The day after, alhamdulillah his coping well
Ziyaad Ilhaam still having BM, and i've been pump BM every 2-3hrs at d office
(stock untuk kt rumah Nenda!)
Sekarang me da x sempat buat breakfast n masak2 macam during my pregnancy
Sume kerja2 rumah n masak hanya on weekend
Klu weekend pon house chores been done after feeding ziyaad ilhaam early in d morning
Jam 3-4pagi!
Siang buleh concentrate feeding n cooking only
Susah bile xde pembantu nk tlg tgkkan Ziyaad Ilhaam
Laling pon bukan ade sentiase on weekend (ade hal n kelas bagai)
Tggl la ibu n Ziyaad Ilhaam kt rumah bile papa xde
(sgt mencabar bile tggl berdua dgn Ziyaad Ilhaam)
It's worth to sacrifice for the best! Papa blaja rajin2 eks,..
Nnt ibu n Ziyaad Ilhaam buleh pow papa best2,..
(heeeee lmbt x lg nk merase shopping x hengat dunia?? Insyaallah ibu percaya papa BULEH!!!)
Kdg2 nk masuk toilet pon risau kot2 die nangis,.. Hmmm,..
(erks sgt la tabik surirumah tngga yg menyusukan anak, ade anak ramai n menguruskan rumah tngga sendirian tnpa pembantu rumah!)

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's IKEA day for Ziyaad Ilhaam

Yeay! Ziyaad Ilhaam went IKEA today.
So much to see n learn.
Thank you Mak Ngah for carrying me!
Ibu need to find things.
(xde pape pon tapi papa da pesan so ibu kene beli)
One thing yang ibu noticed, Ziyaad Ilhaam suke changing room tuh!
Sbb Ziyaad Ilhaam x nangis bile cuci dgn air sejuk!
Slalu kt rumah klu air sejuk jer trus menjerit & nangis,..
Penat berjalan exploring IKEA, blk jer rumah trus tdo!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Baby Rocker for Ziyaad Ilhaam

1st nite using rocker, hahaha papa da x larat nk dodoi2 n dukung die mlm2 klu die terjage lepas minum,.. die da demoookss!

after few days,.. da pandai da die tdo dlm nih siap lipat kaki gtuh,.. anak ibu nih klu tdo mcm org tua! hehehe mcm ibu die,..