Friday, June 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
New catalog for Batch 2 from UK with <3
Hello lovelies,... I officially closed order for Batch 1's catalog. For 2nd Batch totally new catalog and I strictly will close the order by 30th June 2012 with payment. Sorry guys,.. This time around, we have to finalize early as the mark down price (SALE) makes the people there turns crazy! *sekarang tgh summer sale, so barang pon cepat habis, harap maklum. Sekian*
The Sneak Peek.

As usual, do send me email for catalog. sakinaadam{at}gmail{dot}com
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Monday, June 18, 2012
The Ziyaads visit Zoo Negara!
It was DL wish to bring Liam to Zoo Negara. And on last Saturday, I planned with the Adams for a visit. We went there as early as 10am. Yes, it was full of fun! Liam gets to know animals and he was sooooo excited! "Ibu, ibu, e-ham tengok tu!" We surely come again when Bobot big enuff to know the animals. Aisha did suggest to visit Zoo Taiping for next visit. Hmm interesting, ok will plan later! :))
Liam, as usual strange-noise-freak! Dah lama sikit baru OK... 

It was sunny-haze day. By 12 noon, we drove off for Father's Day lunch at KLCC. *no piccas for the lunch as we are so starving by the time we arrived there! :P*
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Monday, June 11, 2012
Go green!

I'm wearing chiffon maxi dress from ThePoplook ;)
Ingat bangunan je ade green label? Hah, hari 'go green' pon ade lah,.. Kikiki hari buat sendiri. Tak nak moody on Monday, kita pakai green konon boleh feeling fresh on Monday. Nak pulak sekolah baru start setelah cuti 2 minggu. *hambik kau! Kene la siap awal sebab jalan dah start Jem merata*
Nak share juga, tupperware promo untuk bulan ni! Nah, ade yang nak order tak? nak jadi ahli ke? meh le PM saya!
Polka Dot One Touch is highly recommended! I pon dok kumpul yang ni aje kat rumah. Sangat useful. Email me, and i will give you good price.
Pssst,...oh ye kawan-kawan sapa nak pi Being Me Empowering Muslimah 30th June 2012, Matrade Jln Duta. ada lagi 2 ticket, harga still RM100. :)) Jangan takut untuk berubah. Mula sekarang! Time wont wait. You yourself have the strength to change yourself. Jangan dok kata tak sampai seru. Kalau begitu, jawab lah kat tuhan, yang kamu tak sampai seru lagi. Ada berani tak? Pikirkan sendiri. Hidup ini pilihan. Setiap apa yang kita lakukan juga pilihan yang ditentukan oleh diri sendiri. *jangan salahkan seru yang tak sampai*
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Friday Treat : Earl Grey Tea & Pavlova
Alhamdulillah. Dah 2 - 3 hari mengidam sejak demam, tadi lunch hour culik my staff pi teman i makan kat Delicious Dua Residence. My all time fav! Pavlova yo!
**to compare with Alexis, this is one better yo! rege? RM13.90 only. but ade orang cakap kat serai pon best, so ade sesapa nak bawa i pi makan kat serai?? ahaksss...
**to compare with Alexis, this is one better yo! rege? RM13.90 only. but ade orang cakap kat serai pon best, so ade sesapa nak bawa i pi makan kat serai?? ahaksss...
Fly-day Yeay #6
I love being casual on Friday! Been 2 weeks yo!
Scarf #sugarscarf | Cardigan #romp | Palazzo #likeigloo
Scarf #sugarscarf | Cardigan #thepoplook | Palazzo #likeigloo | Shoe #charles&keith
Its soooooooooper LOVE ya!
oh, btw mms DL this, and i said i want my own rayban aviator *in real* like this. And he replied, "Dah macam kamen rider" oh nice! Thank you for being supportive DL!
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