Friday, April 30, 2010


Yeay! Finally done with e-filing!!!
After delayed it for months days,.. 
Sebenarnya tak susah pon,..
Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan...
My laling suruh me isikan dia punya,..
Borang EA pon tak da camna nk buat,..
Buleh buat tapi malas nak kira!
Isi la sendiri ye,..

Hari ni keje 1/2 day jer, huuuu ...
Lepas ni nak p anta Ziyaad Ilhaam p cucuk for 3 months old,..
Kejap je da 3 bulan,.. Muga-muga dia tough boy!
Jangan nangis ye sayang,..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Board Meeting

Had an opportunity to be part in Tender Analysis Presentation to The Board of Directors of EXIM Bank
Glad to be part n experienced the nerve break!
Now if they tell me how scared they were when presenting to YBhg. Datuk H, i know how does it felt~ erksss

ouh yang paling best Boss blanja makan kat Shangri-La lagi
But this time we had Japanese!!! weeeeeee lame tak makan nih!
Thank you Boss,.. 
Best jugak ye kalau Client's Office sebelah hotel,.. 
hahaha tapi kene 5 star hotel laa baru la makanan superb!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Eventhough i know i'm not worth to be evaluated for bonus Year 2009
I still got an opportunity in increment evaluation, Alhamdulillah
Last 2 weeks we were force to fulfill personal appraisal form
Erkss,.. hate survey form. 
The good thing is we will get SALARY INCREMENT if we are deem good and valuable to the company
I can give more to the family,..
Ibu LOVE Ziyaad Ilhaam


Last nite i was soooo in a good mood to reshuffle and rearrange my clothes and things in my closet
I put a side all my dresses which i think i will not wear it again ,.. but still wondering ,.. am i!?!






Above are some of the dresses which i had put it in my luggage including my LEVIS jeans!
 4 pairs,OK!!! douh (money*money*money)
LEVIS is the only jeans i'm into,..
It's not that i can't fit the jeans anymore but ,..
The length!!! Hahaha mase mude mudi tak suka seluar labuh, just nice at ankle or atas sikit dari ankle so kalau pakai macam tergantung laaa,..
Now if i wear with my KEDS Sneaker (the patch pattern), my laling akan tegur:
"Sayang, macam budak nakal, mature la sikit, da jadi ibu dah,.."
hmmm that's also my reason for being 'SHOPPAHOLIC'
need new clothes for 'IBU'
if i'm thinking to put on dress again especially when i'm pregnant for the 2nd i will buy new one! hahaha

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Currently i'm thinking of letting go my adorable dresses,..
erghh,.. not fit for breastfeeding purposes
should i sale it as pre-loved item or just pass it to my sis!?!
this 2 months i keep on buying new dresses 
(shhhhh my laling didnt know about this!
ahahaha but end of the day he surely know)
i'm shopping those online,.. weeeeee 
& waiting for more to arrive!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Photo Tag

After reserving this tag for ages few days by Ida n here it goes:-
1. Open your 1st Photo folder.
2. Scroll to the 10th photo.
3. Post the photo and the story behind it.
4. Tag 5 or more people.
Weee the best vacation n moment so far i had with my angels! LOVE them to bits!!! We had our Melbourne  - Sydney holidays for 2 weeks (010707-140707) ,.. thank u angels for accompany me! heeeee bile kite nk jln2 lagi begini ye?? mungkin wif our little precious n hubby!?! ouh,.. missed those memories soooooooo much,.. feel like wanna hug u guys rite now,.. i wished~

Now i'm tagging u guys:-
2. Eza (ouh y u dont have blog!?! u should!)
4. Dona
5. Nurul Huda (Nurul, ko masih hutang dgn ku utk berjumpa OK! hahaha)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ziyaad Ilhaam's Shangri-La Day with ADAM's Family

We spent our Saturday @ Shangri-La Hotel
Breakfast @ HORIZON CLUB

Pastu ibu kene pi bangunan sebelah, UBN Tower ada kerja sikit,..
Nanti Hi-Tea baru ibu join balik!
So Mak Ngah n Uncle Yusuf jaga Ziyaad IlhaamHi-Tea @ Lemon Garden Cafe
Memang suka dengan makanan yang mereka hidangkan...
Teringat BRISTOL belanja ID berbuka puasa last year kat sini.
Memang terbaik!

Penat sangat la tuh,.. ish3

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ziyaad Ilhaam & Futsal

Friday n it's Saturday Nite!
My laling aka Ziyaad Ilhaam's papa joined futsal game with AT Associates
Papa pi dulu, sebab game start at 8pm
Ibu kene produce EBM then baru bawa Ziyaad Ilhaam and Mak Ngah tengok papa n the rest of the AT's Family playing futsal!
Mak Ngah tuh nak ikut sebab ade udang disebalik mee, alasan kononnye kene jaga Ziyaad Ilhaam,.. Cheeeh,..

Beriya ibu bawa Ziyaad Ilhaam pi tengok papa main futsal tapi die,... TIDO dgn NYENYAKnya!!!
Punya la bising bagai tempat tuh dia buleh tido!
Si Demooks nih kalu dia nak tido sangat, x kesah ape pon!

Tengok la tangan demook dia, genggam baik punya,.. hmmm

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time-off for Ziyaad Ilhaam

Today i'm working as usual,.. been busy
10am my mum called
and she said her maid (kak kas,who also take care of my ziyaad ilhaam while i'm working) called her.

Kak Kas told her dat my son keep on crying without stop and she got panic...
My mum said she will going home n asked me to do so, afraid if ziyaad ilhaam is not feeling well n need to bring him to clinic.
1030am arrived home, ziyaad ilhaam seem OK n not crying..
My mum said perot die bnyk angin mcm tong drum! erks,..
Pastu die x nk my EBM then i breastfeed him,...
Ouh, he want me to breastfeed him!
and he enjoyed it sooo much and want to sleep on top of me while he breasfeeding,..

(Every night he used to sleep like that ever since i'm breastfeed him again !)
Actually it has been 1 month i didnt breastfeed him i only give him EBM,
sbb my nipples was soooo fragile,..

sgt sakit bile die suck, position sume da btul tp x tau kenapa ziyaad ilhaam ni ganas sgt!
if i breastfeed him i will easily got pissed off and cepat je tangan nak 'babap' si demooks
ade one time my laling tegur
" ape yang digaduhkan dua org tuh"

Now i'm back to breastfeed him since his suckling was not like before,..
Alhamdulillah,.. senang sket ibu n x payah bangun utk 2-3 kali utk EBM
Sekarang smbil tido pon ziyaad ilhaam buleh dapat susu die,.. huhuhu
Bertambah sikit la time tido, ziyaad ilhaam still wake up every 2 hrs for BF

Back to office at 1pm while he was sleeping like this ==>

Ziyaad Ilhaam's Playgym Time

Pagi td me sempat capture ziyaad ilhaam playing at his playgym
Heeee playgym helps me to keep him occupied when i'm preparing myself to work!

P/s: kenapalah kebanyakan gambar ziyaad ilhaam, papa dia tido di sebelah!?! hmmm x dapat ibu nak terangkan,.. kui3
papa penat tuh buat drawing rumah atuk, untuk ziyaad ilhaam second's nenek! bukan nenda tau,.. huhuhu berusaha ya papa!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday 040410

Hari ni Tok Wan n Mak Cik Ha sampai dari Jengka, Pahang.
Ibu da plan lepas jemput Tok Wan n Mak Cik Ha, kite p Midvalley!
So dat morning Ziyaad Ilhaam ibu paksa bangun n mandi awal
Ibu x sempat prepare breakfast dat morning so McD aje lah!

We had it at The Mall

Dekat sikit nak jemput Tok Wan n Mak Cik Ha kat Hentian Pekeliling
Ouh, derang datang KL sbb Mak Cik Ha ada interview kt TTDI Damansara hari Isnin nnt

Hmm ibu nk cite yg Ziyaad Ilhaam sgt baik sepanjang berjalan kt Midvalley
Tido aje kt stroller tuh

Nangis bile nak time feeding n da buhsan duduk diam dlm stroller
Bile die nangis x mo duduk dlm stroller, ibu kene masukkan die dlm bby carrier plak lah!
Hmm Ziyaad Ilhaam da ade playgym! yeay!
Will update in next post!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Another Tiger and Head-up Ziyaad Ilhaam

Arituh Mak Ngah kasi Ziyaad Ilhaam main Tiger kecik
Skrg Ziyaad Ilhaam da ade Tiger yg besar!
Ibu beli!
Actually ibu p Jusco AU2 utk cari playgym utk Ziyaad Ilhaam
Tp yg ibu berkenan yg tgk kat on9 tuh xde
So dpt la bende lain
Weekend nih Ibu aim nk beli playgym n milkmaid tea
MIDVALLEY here we go!
Tok Wan Jengka n Mak Cik Ha pon nk join p MIDVALLEY
InsyaAllah mereka akan smpi hari Ahad ni dr Jengka
Mak Cik Ha ade interview kt TTDI

Pastu ibu sempat jugak capture current milestone Ziyaad Ilhaam
Tgk, buleh angkat kepala dah,.. Alhamdulillah
Ibu x sabar nk tggu Ziyaad Ilhaam buleh meniarap sndr tanpa bantuan ibu!

Hoooo mlm td juge Ziyaad Ilhaam mood die mau tdo jam 3 pg,..
Ibu terpaksa melayan bebelan Ziyaad Ilhaam
Seperti biase ibu akan suke snap photo using hp!
Sorry skrg sume upload gmbr gune phone saja
Sbb itu je yg terpantas n sentiasa bersama ibu!