25hb Januari 2010, Ziyaad Ilhaam selamat dilahirkan jam 4.30ptg di Hospital Tawakal KL
Ziyaad Ilhaam is the greatest gift for ibu n papa,..
May Allah Bless our new life ahead wif Ziyaad Ilhaam in the family,..
Saturday, 23 Jan 2010
weekly pregnant check up at Hospital Tawakal KL;
bukaan da 2cm;
doktor soh dtg utk check up lg on Monday, 25 Jan 2010.
Monday, 25 Jan 2010
It's Mum's 49th Besday!

Bangun jam 5.00am tuk siapkan banana choc chip muffin tuk my mum's besday celebration at her office;
830am My laling dropped me and Shahida at the hospital;
Shahida kene temankan gwe memandangkan my laling perlu melunaskan kerja;
4cm detected trus kene masuk labour room;
Mujur ade Shahida, so die uruskan registration utk labour n ward n segala urusan calling2 the family;
10.00am suda dlm labour room n bersedia utk epidural by specialist surgeon;
my gynea adviced me to take epidural since i'm little bit fragile;
kene masuk air and being induced utk cepatkan labour;
actually before the epidural pon mmg sy xde sakit o xrase pon contraction pain,..
ttb je da 4cm, hmmm cube rase mcm sakit sikit2 kt bhgian bwh sbb bby da engaged;
11.00am my laling arrived from work n accompany me in the labour room;
nurse pecahkan air ketuban;
2.00pm nurse plak check bukaan n by the time da 6cm then doctor dtg tgk plak;
doctor estimated by 4pm i can deliver the bby;
3.30pm my mum arrived and joined us in the labour room;
by this time da rase every 5mins bby da tolak2 kt bwh (contraction pain);
4.00pm suda ade rase mcm ade bende nk kluar plak;
the nurse ajar untuk push, n suruh sy push bile rase sakit tuh dtg;
push smpi kepala bby nmpk sebesar 50sen bru nurse pnggil doct;
415pm doctor joined in the labour room;
430pm delivered ziyaad ilhaam safely;
mase doctor letak ziyaad ilhaam atas pangku direct after that mmg tgk bby dgn rase xlarat sgt,..
nafas pendek so kene bnyk kali push bru buleh kluarkan bby, so mmg da penat sgt,
mase doctor jahit pon rase mcm nk tdo aje, tp as i mentioned earlier i am fragile,
so rase ngilu n sakit bile doktor tuh jahit, they need to purge a little bit epidural n give some bius on that area;
in addition i also took gas utk tahan sakit;
5.00pm merehatkan diri;
6.30pm ziyaad ilhaam wif the family in ward,..