Lalalalala sgt syiokss bile skali skala wat aktiviti ginih! bakar2 ayam, udang, sotong n sausage,.. pastu makan2 pastu mandi2 pastu makan mangga muda n colekss (oh nih perkataan kelantan @ cicah rojakss/ petis) muga2 pasnih my LOVE Fren nyer group plakss organise dis activity,.. (izyan?? eza??klu activity menghabeskan duit n menjamu mate mmg slalu wat dah kt shopping complekss,.. uhuhuhu) Balik dr Ulu Yam, Usop(adek) sgt letih, jarang die tdo waktu petang, balik2 jer trus naik atas masuk bilik n baring atas katil, katenyer letih,.. ahahahha tp die kate best! lain kali mau p mandi lagi,.. adek xleh swim kt sini air die sejuk n deras juge,.. penat dok atas batu jer lah smbil main2 air,.. die sonokss tgk budak2 nih main air,.. uhuhuhu
Ahahaha My Laling Fevret Cendol,.. Ptg2 panas2 sedap makan cendol kt La Cendol! RM2.00 aje,.. (hmm kt dpan kedai tayar Dunlop tuh,...kt keramat permai off setiawangsa)
Today is day for me to entertain my Laling, pg2 lg die suda x kasi p Semua House (mujur Nurul cancel di saat akhir,.. huhuhu) kate nyer jgn curi mase gwe bersame die,.. (adeh,.. kat umah kan ade mase!?! bulan nih bukan nyer die keje sabtu ahad,..) hmmm opis die ade internal problem, muga2 bulan nih die dpt gaji,.. En. Mad, sile prihatin dgn pekeje anda yg telah berkhidmat utk pojek2 anda! Tnpa mereka siapalah anda!! nnt sume boikot pakat xmo wat keje sape mau buat?? anda kah?? (upsss ter'emo' plakss..) So we had lunch at My Laling Fevret Fast Food ~WENDY's laaaa ape lagi!?! die mmg suke mkan burger, seminggu skali die kene pekene Wendy's, klu x nnt die ngengong (upssss,.. ya ampun Laling,.. syg main2 aje,..dudududu) paihtu kitorg p MPH kt Alpha Angle plakss cr buku UNDANG-UNDANG KECIL BANGUNAN,.. Alhamdulillah die dpt grab the last piece!(oh sgt susa cr ini buku mne2 pon sume abes, mujur dpt gak stock yg nih!) Gwe pon dapat buku juge, mmmm jahitan manik dr ROSITA JAAFAR,.. suda lame usha buku nih! slalu jahit manik sndr hentam kromo aje,.. mujur baju nikah jd moleksss!! tp tuh pon took me about 1 mnth ok
Esok pg2 gwe prlu masak nasi goreng tuk picnic kt ULU YAM~yeay!!! i like.. lame suda merancang mau p picnic n mndi manda, tp asik kali nih ON ya!!
Alhamdullilah... I m sooooo thnkful wif wat i had n going to have,insyaAllah...
Allah is the Most Merciful n His LOVE is always b with us InsyaAllah,.. Allah wont ignore us if always stick to HIM in our daily life,..
Pernah terlali n terpaling hati ini denganNya, Alhamdulillah Sesungguhnya Allah itu tidak akan mensia2kan umatnya jika kembali kepadaNya,.. Sungguh besar rahmat yg Kau kurniakan walaupun secara zahirnya hanya sebesar zarah,.. Bagi ku ia amat bermakna kerna dengan Nya aku mula menyedari bahwa Kau masih menyayangi ku,.. Mudah2an kasih Mu pada ku berkekalan, jangan lah Kau biarkan hati ini gusar dan gundah gulana dalam menempuh hidup ini,.. Kau berkatilah segala perjalanan hidup ku ini, lindungilah dan bimbinglah aku agar idak tersasar dr tidak mendapat rahmat mu Ya Allah,.. Amin...
My Laling : Anugerah Terindah Yang Pernah Ku Miliki... Ahamdulillah,.. (Thanks to Allah, HE showed me d way ~ having My Laling in my LIFE,...)
Lunch hour td blk rumah jap sbb Anem (kawan Teyha) nk dtg amik LOVE Cuppies n Red Velvet Cuppies,.. (~oh gmbr x sempat nk amik, terlupa!!minta jasa baik anem tuk email kt along ekss gmbr cuppies tuh, klu sempat laa... dududu) ahahaha sempat jugak sediakan dis Jelly with Mango Pudding,.. bawak p opis, tp kene tggu sbntar utk jelly tuh mengeras,.. lalalala
Please vote this entry if u want the recipe (saje ngade2 padahal buleh jer post the recipe ;p)
Berbuka pose dgn Nasi Kandar Pelita @ Jalan Ampang,.. Sgt syioooookssss,... ahahaha teringin sbenarnyer makan nasi kandar mase kt penang tp x berkesempatan! sibuk sgt bershopping2,..(shopping x hengats!!!) so smlm bitau My Laling mau berbuka dgn nasi kandar, My Laling set aje! ahahahaha die pon peminat nasi kandar, (fav die : kari india,..suda tny cara2 masak kari india dgn Mak Ude cume x praktik jer lagi,.. adeh,.. bile ekss!?!) Shida x dapat menikmati makanan sbb die bru aje pasang braces so sgt x selesa tuk mkn,..rugi2! ahahha pasnih buleh la awak kurus! chiayok!
uhuhuhu suda tiba mase utk refurbishment,.. bilik sape eks?? ahahaha salah seorg penghuni bilik adalah gwe(Account Room),.. tp sementara cume,.. x plan pon nk stay here forever, smday i'll be away n have my own work n life, InsyaAllah...
Waked up 3am for these cuppies as i nd to courier it today n will arrive Kuantan tomorrow,.. if the arrival/pick up is today, i wud bake it last nite,... (the reason i bake it early in the morning is to make sure the freshness is longer!) Alhamdulillah, done wif packaging by 8am,..
Last time not so much color available for the LOVE Cuppies, this time i'm able to color the LOVE Cuppies wif green n red pink! Hope both of u LOVE it!
Hohoho kali nih MAY Family Retreat @ Carey Island (210309 - 220309), berhampiran Banting n Morib! Mak Ude n Pak Busu menjadi organizer,..mmg WELL DONE lah! uhuhu sonoks sgt bile dpt kumpul ramai2 n beraktiviti, klu nk tggu raye mmg lmbt la lg mau kumpul2 gnih! Stayed at Hattles Castle (lodging nih under Sime Darby, uhuhu dpt advantage sbb Pak Ude keje Sime Darby...syiokss) Klu pasai tulis crite mmg x pandai,.. so enjoy d slideshow!!
Thank u to Basyirah n Sarah,.. May Allah Bless Both of U,..Friday (200309) got call from Basyirah, want to make an order for cuppies n oso tartlets,.. but i hv to adjust the pick-up time bcoz Saturday nite i'm already at Carey Island, so we changed it to 8am in the morning,..(sorry for the early pick-up time, tuh pon mmg cun2 jer sume order siap, ahahah lebihan bancuhan buleh di bawa ke Carey Island for Tea Break!) Thank u guys,... Hope both of u satisfied with the cuppies n tartlet,.. =) Sorry for the alteration as it was an immediate order, so i need to adjust it wif my available stock,.. huhuhu
Photo pon x sempat nak amik gmbr properly as i was rushing to send it to Sarah @ LRT Setiawangsa,..
Oh, i really missed the moment we (me n my LOVE Frens) had during our break away Penang-Sg. Petani-Penang,.. So much joy so much laugh so much memories,... if we could turn back time we would make the time freeze so that we never be part with our own hectics life n works! (buleh ke!?! adeeeeh,...) So my journey start wif Eza picked me up at home 430am, our flite departed at 650am, LCCT,.. arrived Penang at 8am, met Azura, Pcloh, n Ayang then headed to Sg. PetaniWe gather wif fiza at Dina's Solemnization,..Aiyaksss malas nyer nk crite criti!! xde bakat laaaa,.. so kite tgk gmbr jer laaaa... Let's the photos do the talking,.. ngeh3 (kalu mau bace crite p my LOVE Fren, Fiza,.. ahahaha mekaseh fiza,..)
Ohho on Friday got call from Nurul, my x-officemate at NR Architect & ID, hmmm die mau order brownies for her anniversary on Saturday! aduhh... gwe suda d Pulau Pinang - Sg. Petani for Dina's Wedd,.. so terpakse postpone pick-up on Tuesday,.. tuh pon sbenarnyer x cukup rehat lagi,.. Yelah smpi KL ahad mlm isnin kol 12tgh mlm,.. ding dong ding dong mau dkt kol 1pg bru tdo, pastu bgun pg kene keje plaksss,.. (~oh kt opis ngantukss n letih sgt,.. pedih mate2 mau tahan! adeeeeh,..) pastu isnin mlm selase tuh teyha n her fren dtg mau tempah cuppies, kol 11mlm tdo n bgun kol 4pg for the brownies n choc cuppies,.. n trus straight away keje,.. Choc Cuppies tuh for my LOVE Frens, Fiza n Pclohsss... Sorry guys,.. my Strawberry Chocolate for topping suda out of stock! terpakse lebihkan Choc Topping,.. tuh pon Red Topping yg suda di 'alter',.. Minggu nih kite p cr stock lg ya,.. x sempat laaa.. wiken skrg sibuk dgn activity family n fren saja,.. baking suda slow down sket sbb bulan nih gwe mau reward myself after hardwork in baking activities,.. TQ for all ya support guys!! LOVE...
Congratss Shida for 9A's 2B's (SPM) Abah dgn berbesar hati nk blanje whole family mlm tuh,.. beriya soh Hakim blk dr Shah Alam n me find the place n reserve! Asked mum, n we had the celebration at Qing Zhen Muslim Chinese Restaurant, Novotel Hotel, KL...(oh, it's new place for us! yeah,.. we r getting bored of having same place to dine~Chakri KLCC)
Ohohoho LOVE Frens' Aisha, Teyha minta lg wat cake wif art on top,..i asked her reference for the art, n she gave me the hyppo wif love,.. sooooo cute,..(her sis love hyppo while her love moooo...) so i had "mari conteng2 kek dgn butterceam" ... ahahaha luckily in turns out great (ye ke!?!),alhamdulillah,..dgn pertolongan basic frame from my mum,.. oh, my mum mmg ade bakat tuk lukis2 cartoon,.. maka terhasilah kek hyppo!! ahahaha,..
Have a try! This is only a basic buttercake, u can add on any flavour o filling to suit your taste, my buttercake (as above pict) suda di add dgn strawberry filling, sbb tuh nmpk mcm marble merah sket2! heeeee sodaaap n lembut jugeeee,...
For almost every weekdays i baked LOVE Cuppies n my LALING smtimes help me on it, i need a break on my weekend to spend my LOVE time wif my LALING,.. Alhamdulillah i enjoyed my LOVE time on d weekend n Maulidur Rasul,..
We enjoyed window shopping and oso shopping,..ohohohoho my fevret!! lame da jugak x wat activity nih! asik shopping brg2 kek jer, tuannyer mau juge shopping brg2 tuan,.. hahaha sbenanrnyer nk cr my LALING nyer bju,.. die kekurangan baju, asik2 bju yg same aje yg dipakai bile jln2 n function (uppsss pecah rahsie), so p laa survey2,.. adehhh sgt la susa mau cr bju LALING,.. xske mcm nih la xske mcm tuh laaa,.. masuk sane sini tp yg dapat baju adalah sy n Shida (ahahaha Shida joined us on Saturday, kitorg p Midvalley n The Gardens) And at the end of the day (Saturday) Shida n me dapat 2 pasang dress (ISETAN got sale tuh smpi 60%!! ape lagi kitorg grab lah!) Lagipun on Saturday tuh mood my LALING x brape nk elokssss, bru lepas cabut gigi bongsu,.. hmmmm me n Shida jer lah yg enjoy the activity,.. siap makan2 kt SUBWAY! sian my LALING x leh mkn,.. amik bau jer lah yer,..hikssss.... Mission utk mencari bju LALING masih ditruskan skembalinya dr Melaka,.. Monday tuh kitorg g The Mall dulu teman Eza p survey kt Wedding Fair kt situ,.. My LALING sempat jugak intai2 kt Parkson tuh tp x berkenan jugakss,.. so our nxt place was PAVILLION,.. ahahaha tumpang Eza,...(kitorg naik LRT jer ke The Mall, My LALING masih lg berwaspada dgn banjir kilat di KL!!) Sesmpi jer kt PAV, trus terjah PADINI Store tuh,.. sbnrye da bnyk kali try bju LALING kt SEED situ,.. tp die kureng minat,.. yg die minat tggl show piece aje,.. so die agakss kureng,.. kali nih die try 1 size bigger n nmpk OK! sy pakse die grab jugak yg tuh n try another piece different design,.. Yes! mission accomplished... Alhamdulillah,.. ~erkss tp still lg terselit 2 bju tuk sy,.. ahahaha tp jumlah keseluruhan x mencapai harge bju tuk my LALING,.. baju laki mmg mahal,.. n yg die beli tuh xde sale!! xpe lah,.. yg penting my LALING da ade bju! Yeay,.. tuh my treat for my Darling husband for lending his help on my LOVE Cuppies... LOVE U SOOOOO MUCH,.. May ALLAH Blessed Us n Grant Us a Better Life, InsyaALLAH,.. Ameeen...
Chewahsss title xleh blah tuh,.. padahal blk ke kg halaman my mum jer, Kesang Tua, Jasin, Melaka,.. Da agak lame x menjengah n membersihkan rumah arwah atuk Yahya n nenek Mazbah,.. last blk mase raye arituh,.. ade gak la 6 bulan,.. sonoks sgt dpt blk kg,.. mengenangkan kesah2 n kenangan bersame (sedey,sob3),.. dolu2 klu time raye mesti org tny mane cucu yg ko bela dulu,.. nnt nenek dgn bangga nyer bitau cucu tuh da besa da n da keje,..(gwe lah tu org nyer) ... terigt gakss nenek citer penah skali ikut nenek p surau malam2 pastu tgn ku terkene ape ntah luke n berdarah sket jer,.. tp meraung punye lah mcm sakit sgt,.. sbb tuh ramai org kenal,.. heeeeee (malu3) actually me n my sibling slalu blk kg bile coti2 skolah,.. mak n abah tgglkan kitorg temankan nenek n atuk kt kg,.. bile da nk abes coti skolah nnt mak n abah jemput blk kl plakss,.. bile da besa me slalu blk kg naik bus sorg2 n blk kl atuk n nenek anta plak kt stesen bus Jasin, mase tuh stesen bus tuh bru lg,.. heeeee skrg da x bru,..bile da ade kete blk naik kete F1 (satria) jemput plak nenek n atuk p coti2 KL,.. pastu anta blk kg blk,.. gtuh laaaa,.. hmm bnyk kenangan nk citer,.. nnt bergenang air mate nih da la kt opis nih,. adehhh simpan aje ye,.. ngeh3...;) So wiken nih kitorg blk sbb nk kemas2kan ape yg patut n buang @ bg org mane2 yg patut,.. nl clearkan sket brg2 kt umah nih,.. yelah rumah tinggal klu brg bnyk2 nnt tggl bende lain plakss,.. pembahagian tugas adalah seperti berikut, girls bersihkan dlm rumah, n boys pembersihan luar rumah,.. yg p running beli brg2 mestilah sy!! p beli breakfast, p beli brg2 tuk kerja2 pembersihan n p beli brg utk lunch,.. Alhamdulillah we managed to finish d work by evening,.. penat sgt,... especially my LALING laaa,... yelah yg lain sume org bandar, die jer bese keje2 org kampung nih,.. menebas sane menebas sini,..(uish mujur kawen dgn org kg,.. xde la malu sgt laki x pandai wat keje,.. heeee i'm proud wif u LALING,.. LOVE...) My LALING n dibantu oleh my brother, Akim mengerjakan halaman belakang Selepas dikerjakan oleh my LALING n dibantu oleh my brother, Akim
By 6pm kitorg gerak p rumah my mum's cousin house,.. Pakcik Seman n Mak Timah,.. derang nih la tlg tgk2kan rumah kg tuh n tlg jaga kebun2 peninggalan arwah nenek n atuk yg telah diwasiatkan kepada anak2,.. yelah sume2 dok KL so xde mase n peluang nk jaga sume2 tuh,.. so kene la minta tlg org jage kan n uruskan pape yg patut,.. Alhamdulillah sume nyer masih terjage,.. pas ni Pak Lang da pencen n dok rumah kg, die la plaks yg ambil alih,...InsyaAllah...By 7pm sume bergerak pulang ke hala tujuan masing2,..
~x saba nk p MAY Family Retreat kt Carey Island on 210309 - 220309,.. hooooyeah.....