Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bad day for Beloved Cuppies..

Bad Day for Beloved Cuppies~
Sedey sgt,..
sob sob sob
ade org menghempas my 1 box of beloved cuppies smpi terbalik2 sume cuppies di dalam,.. siap terkoyak side kotak tuh~ damn!
Bile customer amik sy rase nk nangis,..
Sebab cuppies di atas da x seperti gmbr di atas~ (T_T)

Kak Azi,.. kiena minta maaf sgt2,..
Nnt kiena wat cntik2 n make sure org tuh x hempas lg kek2 itu!
Sob sob sob...
Anyway thnx ye sbb sudi terima keadaan cuppies yg telah dihempas itu,..
(sy maafkan org yg hempas tuh tp sy da xde hati dgn die dah!)

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Food Treatment during my 7 months pregnant

I LOVE cakes n CHOC milkshake,..
I LOVE Hazelnut Latte n Scone @ Coffee Bean
But the Puffing Billy's Scone n Tea dat we (me, my 2 Angels; Eza & Hanim) had during Aussie's Holiday Treat still the best!!! hmmmm insyaAllah in 2 years time i'm going to bring my Laling to Melbourne and it will be our 1st Honeymoon ,.. ouh 2 years,.. hmm eagerly can't wait the 2 years to fly,..

Johnson & Johnson

Dulu ibu pakai Johnson's Baby so baby ibu pon pki yg same,.. heeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeee ibu & papa LOVE u sooo much,..

Last Saturday we went Hospital Tawakal for my 7 months check up,..
my Hb is OK 10.5, tp doctor advised soh truskan pengambilan obimin,.. klu buleh capai 11,..
my baby's weight = 1.2kg,.. doctor said InsyaAllah everything gonna b OK,.. lega sgt,..
i had this itchy skin on my upper tummy,.. doctor said it's just because it's my first pregnancy n the mother is oso small size,.. aduh kecik ke sy!?! hmmm tp xpeeee sy masih maintain comel =)

Pink n Green

I think pink n green is the sweetest match! I LOVE to match these 2 colors,... Hmmmm It's Strawberry Surprise CupCake,.. Thanx Fatin Tiqah for your order last Saturday, 21st Nov 2009~

Pstt: my Little Sis pon bru berjinak2 dlm pembuatan kek,.. smuge die sukses dlm cake decorating sbb dulu mase die kt Mesia die x penah membantu gwe dlm membuat n men'deco' segala cake2 nih,.. alih2 die mau pule resepi2 haisssh,..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fetal development - 27 weeks pregnant

Your baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimeters from head to toe. His eyes open and close, he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and he may suck a finger or thumb.

Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by the 28th week. What do they dream about? No-one knows for certain but the brain is active this week as well. The characteristic grooves on the brain's surface start to appear and more brain tissue develops.

Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of the hiccups, which are common this week and throughout the pregnancy. Your baby has them but is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air. A paper bag can't cure her hiccups, obviously, but an episode usually lasts only momentarily. The sensation for you may be strange but not unpleasant.

Since your uterus is now up near your rib cage, you may now find yourself short of breath if you haven't already. Starting now and continuing through the last three months of pregnancy, you may be plagued by leg cramps, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and an itchy abdomen. Are pregnancy discomforts getting you down? Try some natural remedies to perk you up.

If you were found to be Rh-negative earlier in pregnancy, you'll probably be tested for Rh antibodies this week or next and have an anti-D injection to combat the incompatibility. You may be offered a repeat injection at 36 weeks.

• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently - even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.

Source :

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dulu lain, sekarang lain...

Dulu mcm tuh, tp skrg mcm ni..
Dulu x wat camtuh pon, tp skrg org wat cmni,..

My thought : Dulu n skrg mmg bnyk beza tp spatutnya mentaliti manusia haruslah seiring dgn perubahan tnpa mengabaikan batas2 yg sepatutnya especially as a muslim,.. Setiap org pasti melakukan kesilapan dlm kehidupan,.. tp sepatutnya kesilapan tuh perlu diinsafi n bertaubat memohon keampunan agar kehidupan mendatang lebih mendatangkan berkat,.. I did mistakes,.. Alhamdulillah Allah showed His forgiveness with granted me my Laling,.. it does shows me He is giving an opportunity for me to build a better n blessing life,.. Alhamdulillah,.. Perjalanan percintaan yg terjaga sebelum berkahwin adalah lebih diredhai n insyaAllah He will grant u better life after marriage,.. I experienced it and i did feel soooooo blessed n the feeling was sooooo undiscribeable... I agree skrg nih klu org kate bercinte tuh bute tp klu kite sentiase muhasabah akan diri kita n jaga iman insyaAllah,.. Mmg syaitan tuh slalu ade utk mensasarkan kite, tp bile kite pikir plak mak bapak kite mungkin kite x buat perkara2 terlarang,.. yelah, jika blom berkahwin pastinya kite masih menggalas name ibu bapa klu p mane2 skali pon (nih klu xigt penciptanya sms bercinta),.. org akan bertanya (o even dlm hati) mak bapak die x kesah ke derang ni dok terkepit2 tergedik2 sblum kahwin? klu kt tpt2 peranginan plak o tpt percutian pulak, jika terlihat pasangan2 berkaseh yg blom berkahwin pastinya ade yg tertnya (o even dlm hati) mak bapak die tahu ke derang p sini? klu jd ape2 nnt dlm perjalanan o dlm percutian bersama? ntah lah, segalanya mungkin terjadi,.. tp slalunye org akan abaikan segala kemungkinan yg berlaku klu derang rase indah sgt bercinta,.. tp klu kita slalu berigt akan tanggungjawab kita as anak n as a muslim pastinya segalanya dpt diatasi n dielakkan,.. Sentiasa muhasabah n insafi kesilapan n xwat lagi perkara2 tersebut pastinya kehidupan mendatang akan lebih bermakna,.. kdg2 setiap percintaan begitu x de akhiran yg baik,... tp jika akhiran yg baik alhamdulillah, masih ade lg ruang yg diberikan utk kite perbaiki agar kehidupan mendatang lebih diberkati,.. Tiada gune pon hidup mewah2 tnpa mendapat keberkatan sbb bile hidup nih x berkat pasti ade saja yg x mencukupi dlm kehidupan itu,.. Syukuri n nikmatilah kehidupan yg telah diberikan oleh-Nya sentiasa,.. xmungkin kite terlepas dr tak mengingati-Nya,..

Friday, November 13, 2009

Surprise Party for Recks

Last Tuesday, 10th Nov 2009,..
Sempena birthday LOVE Frens' SCIPP Hamidah aka RECK, Fatin Tiqah wat Surprise Party for her.. Actually 3 in 1 la party nih; Newly wedd husband n wife, birthday Reck and Farewell Newly Wedd Couple ke Sahara Barat on 13th Nov 2009! alalalala Fatin was sooooooooo lucky when a production under Erma Fatima picked fatin's entry for their first recording and their soon-to-be launced program, SURPRISE,... katenye utk i-tivi,.. hmm xpenah dgr lg tv nih~
Heeeee ,.. me n laling just join tuk memeriahkan majlis jer! Anyway we had so much fun n joy dat nite,.. Bye bye Reck's n Hubby,.. derang akan berkhidmat tuk negara ke Sahara Barat,.. bese la kan klu da keje n terikat dgn MINDEF,... tp sukeeeee sgt tgk derang! so happy for them,.. May Allah's Bless always be with u,.. xoxo

Sunday, November 8, 2009

@ 26 weeks ++days

07 Nov 2009

Morning till afternoon:
As usual done wif house chores on weekend

6.00pm : Jusco AU2 - p cari durian sbb nk mkn kuah durian wif roti gardenia,.. hehehe makanye trus pulang Setiawangsa utk 'the making of kuah durian'... My laling terpakse melayan,.. ;p

08 Nov 2009

Morning till afternoon:
Midvalley - mmg da plan tuk start beli brg2 bby within this month n ahead,.. kene start beli da sket2 sbb nih pon da mule rase cepat penat klu jalan2 bnyk sgt,.. we have done our survey on the previous months tp bile p tgk lagi brg2 masih x tau lg nk beli ape,.. hahahaha nasib da ade list brg2 yg patut beli dulu,.. so my laling dgn tegasnya soh beli ape yg patut dulu dr dok pusing2 tp x beli pape,.. hahaha it was fun to choose n pick for the baby,.. tp suke la p Metrojaya berbanding kt Jusco,.. sbb more choices tuk baju2 n cheap oso,.. tuh pon amik tuk 1st round dulu,.. nnt nxt round kite p beli lgi yer brg2 yg lain yg masih x bertanda dlm list,.. at least ade jugak brg yg da cross kt list tuh kan,.. hahahaha =p
Antara brg2 baby yg cost me RM3++.++ blom lg yg lain2,.. X saba nk tggu dividen LOAN ASB utk tahun nih,.. buleh rolling blk modal,.. heeeee mujur ibu da wat pelaburan yg betul! Alhamdulillah...

Hooo sempat juge p Dezahra kt Mutiara Damansara,.. kedai tudung macam Ariani / Hands / Munawarah... nih teman my mum yg beriya sgt nk p beli tudung kt situ,.. siap da list tudung2 yg nk beli,.. tp smpi sane bnyk da out of stock,.. n discount pon da xde,.. derang clost discount last month! soo my mum da lewat seminggu~ xpe laaaa dpt jugak 2 tudung tuk mak n 1 tudung tuk sy! heeeee ye laaaa ibu pon nk shopping jugak bukan bby je tau! heeeeee papa tunggu turn yer~ nxt month papa kene byr road tax n insurance so ibu x leh blnje papa ape2 nnt x leh gerak pulak kete papa nnt =P...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

25 weeks theraphy~

Last Saturday,..

Morning - Cleaning n washing


3.00 pm - Masjid Wilayah (Jemputan Walimatul Urus adik Fahd, HBP, USM) gmbr kt atas purposely amik gmbr senget nk bg nmpk baby kt tummy tuh~ hah slalu sgt org tny mane perut? kecik jer,.. hah skrg da ade perut,.. da buleh tunjuk sket =p ... skrg p mane2 da malas nk touch up wat ever bedak ke cream ke ape ke kt muke,... even nk cuci muka pon malas,.. hahaha mujur cerna2 di muka x cari pasal lagi,.. bertahan yer! hahahaha

4.00 pm - SOGO - heeeee beli brg2 keperluan memasak di rumah sambil mencuci mate sekitar Jln TAR,.. eh, dpt juge menikmati LECKA =)

6.00 pm - MIDVALLEY MEGAMALL tanpa dirancang sbb odw pulang ke rumah Sentul sgt hujan lebat, n laling kate susah nk naik rumah,.. jadinye singgah jln2 lagi,.. heeeeee niat di hati nk survey brg2 kt METROJAYA sbb ade SALE kan,.. tp selepas menikmati KRISPY KREME suda x larat mau jln lg! mau pulang rehat saja...........