Last Friday, 14th Nov my LOVE SIS, Aisha came back for summer break from Melbourne, Australia. Hehehe, now she is taking care of the house when my mum's not! My LALING said she is soooooooooo like my mum (yup, i agreed!) Tonite my dad decided to have family dinner at his fav dine place, CHAKRI PALACE, KLCC without my LOVE SIS, Shahida who is now taking her SPM paper at SMAP Labu.(heheh ni pon sebab Aisha nk keluar p Kinokuniya n my mum pon petang tu bru blk dr Kem Pelajar kt Melaka). And as usual the booking is done by me... (its VIP Room)
.:|| Complementary from ARZU, KLCC (hahaha of cause not!grab on d way back! SALE!)
selalu kan yr family makan situ..hmm best ek?
shopping tudung lagikkkkkk? oh my! takkan tiap2 bulan beli tudung ni kina??
tudung satu kewajipan...hahaha kiena gila tudung..
izyan || ahahaha tuh laaa.. bulan nih da 2 kali beli tudung! adeh laa....
baee || btul tuh kewajiban bertudung! ahahaha
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