Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Liam's Sports Day 2015

11 April 2015, Hadhonah & Raudhah Adni Annual Sports Day 
Our first experienced!
The most excited person mesti la Abam' Liam! Awal pagi dah bangun, bersiap! Adik le terkedek-kedek ibu kene siapkan. Adik ni memang le susah naw nak bangun awal, nak mandi kan pon masalah juga budak ni. Nanti ade je la alasan dia, penat laaa sakit kaki laaa tak leh bangun. Maka ibu apa lagi!?! Heret le anak masuk toilet & mandikan sambil anak pejam mata!!! Adoooooi dik,.. Ibu memang pening la tahun depan bila awak start skolah! >.<' 

This year is the first year its been held at school compound! Tak besar, but enough and the event succeed! 

So, the Sports Day start with March Past & Duáa Recitation by Hadhonah & Raudhah Students. Comel sangat tengok budak ni march! Rase nak digit! LOL! 

Paling syok bila dengar depa baca doa. Terharu sungguh hati ibu. Alhamdulillah, its really a good investment for kids having their early education here. InsyaAllah mudahan Allah bagi kekuatan & rezki untuk anak anak ibu. After welcoming speech by the Executive Chairman, Raudhah Students present us Gymnastic & Tea Kwan Do before the games commence. 

Yup, i did enrolled Gymnastic for Liam, so dapat le tengok le dia ber'gymnastic'. Actually the main reason i enrolled for him, supaya i can fetch him lewat sikit. Haaaaa.. tak de la ibu kene daily keluar at 1pm, cenggituuuu,.. Bleh juga ibu lunch on time kan,..

The games commenced by years (4, 5 & 6). The best thing was, prize giving ceremony is held after the games! Haa tak perlu la ibu nak kene tunggu prize giving kat hujung waktu. Tak larat uols!!! Adik dia ni (si Bobot) perangai lain macam! Tak leh duduk diam and kalau dia nak sesuatu, dia nak time tu juga! Tak boleh tunggu. No kompromi gamaknya! Adoooooiii memang menguji kesabaran ibu. Ibu pon tak leh nak enjoy tengok Liam playing the games. Memang tengok gambar je laaaa,..

Mujur papa captured every game he played. :))

Abam' Liam really enjoyed his day!

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