Monday, June 21, 2010

Spending the day for father

Happy Father's Day,..
Alhamdulillah being a first year parent it's the 1st time we celebrate it and i'm the one who eagerly waiting for the day to celebrate,..
It's our first year celebration for being a mother and a father to our little precious Ziyaad Ilhaam.
I was soooo thankful with all i got/receive during the years,..
I feel so blessed,.. Alhamdulillah,.. 
When our life is blessed by our parents insyaAllah everything will be just fine,..
Syukran Ya Allah 

So how was the celebration anyway??
Hehehe nothing special as we only started our life 
InsyaAllah in the future when we had enough n the time will come,.. 
(hehehe special celebration i guess like vacation!?! =p)
We had lunch at Seoul Garden, One Utama!
I love the DIY Buffet BBQ
Some sort like Da On but here we grill it ourself! 
Plus you can choose and pick the food as much as u want to eat 

OK enough with the lunch,.
At nite, we had dinner with my big family
As usual at my dad favorite place
Ouh my dad gave a speech before we had our dinner
Its more to remind us the journey of life he and my mum,..
It was a touch moment for me,.. 
It is never easy to build life and raise the family.
Thank you DAD,..
You are always the best mentor for us!
InsyaAllah,.. we gonna be fine,..

Ouh,.. My parent just got back from umrah ziarah on that morning,..

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