You may be noticing faint, red or brown streaks known as striae or stretch marks on your abdomen, hips and breasts. While creams won't erase them, wearing a supportive bra may help prevent or minimise them on your breasts. They are very common at this stage of the pregnancy -- about 90 per cent of women get them. After you've given birth, the reddish or brown pigmentation in the stretch marks gradually fades, and the streaks become lighter than the surrounding skin.
Also, your eyes may be light-sensitive and may feel gritty and dry. This is a perfectly normal pregnancy symptom known as 'dry-eye'. To ease your discomfort, use an "artificial tears" solution to add moisture.
dah week 24 time flies!.baby girl eh? Nih bile besar nanti mesti comel cm ibunya~~~ hehe
alhamdulillah dah 24 minggu. sekrang ni kira time2 yg paling best dalam pregnancy. enjoy je sblum bernafas dan berjalan semakin berat. hehe.
kak yanieeee,..
bukan girl kot~ insyaAllah is a boy!
ha'ah la dona,.. skrg nih pun da start x larat je nk masuk 3rd trimester~ heeeeeee
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