It's a great family dinner ever! ahahaha i meant of course it was as the bill cost us bling! bling! (uhuhu RM140++ per pax) Anyway it shows the greatest LOVE from Abah to Mak (my Dad want to celebrate mum's bday as he was not around on dat day!) and oso to the Adam's,..Thanx for d dinner treat, it was the most expensive dinner treat we ever had so far,..May Allah Grant Us a Better Rezq, InsyaAllah...
Today got order from my LOVE fren, Recks aka Hamidah (SCIPPian), teringin nk makan carrot cuppies yang comeeeii tuh! ahahaha...kebetulan Recks ada undangan perkahwinan yg buleh dikatakan dekat dgn my territories so met up kt LRT Setiawangsa aja to pass the cute cuppies! waduuuuhsss suda lama ngak ketemu dgn LOVE fren ku ini! (Geng ngongeng di SCIPP dahulu, we rocks! ahahaha those were the days,..;))
before Cream Cheese topping! .:|| My yummilicious Carrot Almond w/ Cream Cheese Cuppies (this is my Laling's oficemate's all time favourite, slalu ade permintaan for this cuppies/cake,.. smpi k'Mai kate mmg Secret KIENA Recipe laa... ahahah poyossss nye nk menggantikan Secret Recipe, ~erks... taste is subjective)
.:|| Ni lah processor yg baru! huhuhu heaven sungguh this machine, it's multipurpose, easy to bake cake, bread n pastry! (moga2 pas nih lebih rajin utk membuat pastry n bread,.. ahahaha dulu ade alasan sgt penat utk menguli, skrg no excuse, adeeh....)
Heeeeeeee,.. i'm back wif baking works! yeay,... suke nyer my Laling's ofismate da dpt mkn2 my so called 'Air Tangan',.. siap lg K'Mai (his Boss' Sectretary) wat statement "Kina da sehat benar la ni da bleh wat kek",.. ahahaha... da lama sgt pon x mbawa makanan d hari Jumaat, at 1st nk wat pudding cocktail jer, ntah cmne ter'rajin' plakss nk wat cheese cake! (terigt my Laling suke sgt mkn cheese cake, so i baked the cake wif all my LOVE~poyooossss, hey! tuh la yg wat sedap tuh,..hahaha) My Laling suke mkn rich cheese cake, so sesape yg xske tuh bleh mkn sket jer! sbb my cheese cake is very creamy n cheesy~k'mai n others pon agreed sedap! Thnx ya!,..
.:|| My Double Chocolate n Chip Cheese Cake, (letak kejap je kt Pantry dr wholecake da abes before Friday prayer,... sian Cik Ti, my LOVE Fren cum opismate dapat merase 1 kiub kecik cheese cake, x sempat nk mkn, bese laaa,.. bebudak opis tuh pirana! ade makanan free cepat jer abes!)
Actually this is my 1st innovation of cheese cake, Alhamdulillah it turns out n taste great! (erm,...citarasa berbeda2 so it's subjective)
Last Saturday went back Jengka (my Laling's hometown)... Once a month we try our best to be able to spent weekend there,... Alhamdulillah we managed to! ;)
So hari nih, Monday,26th Jan '09 kitorg bertolak blk ke KL! Bertolak kol 4ptg gtuh n smpi KL kol 6ptg,.. Heeee x trus blk rumah pon, singgah Alpha Angle Wangsa Maju p menghabeskan masa kt MPH mencari buku2 utk dibeli (ohhh sgt best melepak d MPH suda lama x lepak2 kt kedai buku smbil membaca secara FOC,..hehehe tp kt MPH sini x menarik sgt! sbb xde tmpt mau duduk2, haiyooo rindu nye mau lepak 2-3jam kt Starbucks sambil membace n surfing, tp..BOYCOTT ISRAEL!!!) Grabbed 3books (2-Religious,1-Health / Self-improvement) for me n my Laling got his (1-Religoius)! Pas solat maghrib trus bergerak ke rumah Pak Lang @ Pandan Indah (hehehe sengaja x blk rumah, bese laaaa klu da blk mesti cm lmbt n malas je nk kuar blk, so we decided to singgah mane2 dulu then trus p sane!)
Sampai2 umah Pak Lang, tgk2 all women wearing Kurung, rupa2nye ade Kenduri Doa Selamat Nazrul n Akmar, K' Akmar 7 mnths preggie so nih kire menggantikan acara 'Melenggang Perut' laaaa... ~erkss aiyakss me??? dgn jeans n t-shirt!?! (haiyooo i was informed that Pak Lang is going to have house warming, sbb bru pas renovate rumah~i'm d ID consultant,...heeeee sket2 jer, bile ade kemusykilan pasal ID jer nnt Mak Lang call tny itu n ini, gwe plak wat2 terer jer jwb sume! eh, tp sume OK!) dgn muke slambe je duduk, rase2 cm da ramai org, beralih port plak, dok dapur lebeh slamat! hahahaha mmg best lah berpakaian casual x kene mjlis, (tp gwe tetap maintain! hahahaha)
@25th January 2009...On Sunday my mum's 47th's Birthday
Alhamdulillah, Allah has given strength to Abah for 49years, May Allah give him more, more time to be devoted to HIM and oso to be a better Khalifah, InsyaAllah... May Allah bless him through the years,.. Amin
yup i had miscarriage last nite,.. the contraction pain not allowed me to take a gud rest and i cant even have a sleep from 10pm until 5am in the morning,.. lama kan?? my mum said it's exactly like u r going to deliver,... huwaaaa i experienced before i got a baby!?! My Laling oso cant even have a sleep as he oso got work to settle down!(ye lah,.. die pon xleh nk wat pe,..tgk jer pon x membantu! kadang2 dia usap2 to ease me down, anyway Thanx Laling,..LOVE) actually i'm well prepared for any circumstances,.. (percaya qada' dan qadar! yup, it's one of rukun iman..) since i had bleeding (means the fetus is unstable n might have problem) i always pray,
"Ya Allah jika ianya suatu dugaan n bebanan untuk ku, Kau ambil lah ia, Sesungguhnya aku x mampu untuk menghadapi dugaan yag lebih hebat, Sekiranya Kau kurniakan yang lebih baik, Aku bersyukur pada-Mu Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Qadial Hajat"
Alhamdulillah mungkin ini yang terbaik untukku and ade yang lebih baik menanti InsyaAllah...
Pagi td p check-up kt HKL n everything's OK, Alhamdulillah...
Done check up at HKL, alhamdulillah they detected heart beat, n the specialist doct. said that we shud give a chance! may be the calculation goes wrong as the fetus size is not 9 weeks,... my nxt appoinment with HKL will be on the nxt 2 weeks,22nd Januari 2009..
"Ya Tuhan, kurniakan kepadaku daripada sisi-Mu keturunan (anak) yang baik (sempurna/tidak cacat). Sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa mendengar (menerima) rayuan doa hamba-Mu."
"Ya Allah,peliharalah anakku semasa ia di dalam kandunganku ini, dan sembuhkan serta sejahterakanlah ia. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemyembuh, tiada sembuhan melainkan dengan penawarMu, sembuh yang tiada meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah lahirkanlah ia dari kandunganku ini dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera. Ya Allah, jadikanlah ia sihat, sempurna, cerdik, berakal dan berilmu serta beramal soleh. Ya Allah elokkanlah akhlaknya (perangainya), fasihkanlah lidahnya dan perelokkanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan Hadisth dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW."
"Ya Allah, Sekiranya ini yang terbaik untuk ku, Aku redha,.. Dan sekiranya Kau kurniakan yang lebih baik, Aku bersyukur pada Mu, Ya Allah.. Sessungguhnya Kau Maha Mengetahui juga Maha Memberi & Maha Mengasihani"
Just got back from Pusrawi, i got bleeding n doc said the precious is not normal n there was nothing inside (no heart beat traced), n he advised me to let go as i already bleeding,..
Pagi2 da bersiap nk p amik Nasuha (my LOVE Sis from 2nd family),..Agak lmbt juge amik si kechik ni smpimy dad msg jd x amik die, sbb nyer si kechik suda tunggu, xsabar mau kluar dgn ALONG n ABG IM... Heee suda agak lame x kuar jln2 dgn si kechik nih! so we plan to have a simple picnic kt Ulu Yam... On d way tuh, singgah McD tapau burger n pancake tuk makan kt sane nnt, si kechik nih suka sgt McD... Tp kitorg mandi-mandi (eheheh excluding me!) bukan kt Ulu Yam betul2 ermmm bwh sikit dr Ulu Yam tuh, ermmm x igt la name tp lebih kurg Taman Rekreasi Hutan Simpan Negeri Selangor ...kotsss... heeee lupe la, sbb x amik gmbr gerbang tuh! tp ok gak la tmpt nih utk picnic n family activities,..
so lunch plak kitorg mkn kt Pizza Hut,.. buat mase nih sgt mls mau masak2 n skrg suda x bleh bau2an,.. terutama bau asap rokok, lucky me my Laling is not smoking...heee LOVE